Federal immigration officials say there’s little they can do to stop “child brides” from being sponsored into Canada by much older husbands who wed them in arranged marriages abroad.

A YouTube video campaign going viral this week is drawing attention to a grim reality in some parts of the world that we don't often hear about: child brides.In the staged clip, a 12-year-old girl is seen wearing a wedding gown and standing...
Mohammed and Aisha What Will Obama Say? From the Washington Post:Pakistani lawmakers had to withdraw a bill aimed at curbing the practice of child marriage after a prominent religious body declared the legislation un-Islamic. The bill, which proposed...
Will from The Other News comments: When we bloggers expose this we're Islamophobic racists and bigots. But when National Geographic says it, it's shocking news. From the Daily Mail, via Will at The Other News: Wide-eyed and haunted, the heartbreaking...
This is an update on this story: Sheik Mohammed Hamzi, an official of the Islamist Yemeni opposition party Islaah and the imam of the Al-Rahman mosque in the Yemeni capital of Sana, is one of those who staunchly opposes a legal ban on child marriage....
From this source:Family flees 'horrific' abuse Given asylum in Canada after couple's daughter was raped as toddler in Pakistan A seven-year-old Pakistani girl and her family have been given asylum in Canada after reports the child was raped...