Green Energy

All right, I'm going to write something I never thought I would write.
I am disappointed in America.
Go read the whole thing.
By the way, here's another great story:
Is Trump A Conservative?
Is France an ally? America has both allies and enemies. France is not America and America is not France but we still hold very similar basic principles. We are allies. Newt Gingrich said a very interesting thing on Hannity's radio show today that...
Italy's Wealthiest Region Bans The Burqa
Ban Burqa Bitches As it should be: Italy’s wealthiest region has just banned women from wearing burqas and niqabs in hospitals or government buildings. The new law has been brought in the wake of ‘serious terror attacks’ in Europe in recent...
Belgian Jihadi Threatens to Nuke France Above is the screen grab of the vital moment with Abu Imran, of the Sharia4Belgium group, threatens France with nuclear annihilation. And why does France deserve to be nuked? Apparently Imran thinks President...
Muslims Threaten France With Terror Over Burqa Ban
Yeserday, French Parliament put the finishing touches on their Burqa ban: French Senate Passes Burqa Ban… Vive La France!… PARIS (AP) — The French Senate has voted overwhelmingly for a bill banning the burqa-style Islamic veil everywhere from post...
Islamists Threaten to Attack Belgium Over Burqa BanFrom Weasel Zippers: (Reuters) - Belgian authorities are analysing a video containing threats to attack the country and other European states if they enforce a ban on full face veils, government...
Green Energy