Green Energy

Hmmmm. Let's see: a repeated call to "kill Jews," written on paper from a taxicab company. Now what population in New York City contains a significant number of people who are cab drivers, and a significant number of people who want to see another genocide against Jews? It's a real head-scratcher!
"Another sick call to 'KILL JEWS,'" by Stephen Brown in The Brooklyn Paper, January 28:
Karen Guilbert found a score of slips of paper reading "Kill Jews" during her morning walk on Wednesday -- the second time she's found such a cache of hate in the past two months.
"gas The Jews"
From Elder of Ziyon: On Sunday, an IDF reserves captain spoke in Holland, and before he even said a word three protesters threw shoes at him. The venue for the speech had to be changed because the original hotel received threats about hosting it, and...
London's Only Jewish Radio Station Closes After Galloway Sues
From the Independent: London's only Jewish community radio station has been forced to cease broadcasting after losing a High Court libel case brought against it by the Respect MP George Galloway. Jcom, a non-profit station which broadcast online...
Pa Religious Leaders Call For Genocide Of Jews
From Front Page Magazine (with thanks to Najistani): Twice in three days, PA religious leaders have openly called for the genocide of Jews. Broadcast on official PA TV, both called for the murder of Jews until the Jewish people are annihilated. Both...
Danish Muslim School: "kill All Jews And Bush"
From the great Pamela, at Atlas Shrugs: Fellow blogger Magnus writes me; A (in Sweden we call them) Quran School (you may call them madressa...) in Denmark -- this is, kind of, extra education during Saturdays in ordinary culturally Arabic schools --...
Clinton Explicitly Asks Hamas To Lie To Him
Well, why not? One liar to another, right? Asked if he would shake hands with Hamas in the name of negotiation as he did with Arafat in 1993, Clinton said: “If they made the same assurances that Arafat did. “He had made private assurances, and he...
Green Energy