Green Energy
Narcissist In Chief
From Jawa:
Flickers White House Photo Stream

As he admires himself others swoon in comments
White House Dossier: Obama Campaign Likely Censoring YouTube Comments by Keith Koffler on March 21, 2012, 9:47 am President Obama’s campaign appears to be censoring viewer comments on the YouTube presentation of “The Road We’ve Traveled,” the...
I Call Dog Shit
This week: White House says NASA head 'misspoke' on Muslim outreach Last week: White House Defends NASA Chief’s Comments Regarding Outreach to Muslims ...
Ed Schultz Visits the White House and Says 'It's Almost a Shrine' To Obama...From Weasel Zippers: The Narcissist-In-Chief is overdue for his Thorazine suppository and electroshock treatment... Via Newsbusters Agreed, this doesn't...
Photo: Cocaine In Obama White House? From Ironic Surrealism: WHITE OUT: Cocaine in the Obama White House? – The Save Jersey Blog Yesterday afternoon, someone anonymously posted a photo taken from his/her iphone. The photo shows three lines of cocaine...
"hizb'allah's New Body Armor"
Here's a great bit of photo madness courtesy of "The All-Seeing Eye" over at The Jawa Report. I love the humor of the post as well as the commenters who both "get it" and just plain don't. Oh, how I wish I could accomplish these feats of photo-manipulation,...
Green Energy