Green Energy
Obama Funder Jodie Evans on Her New ‘Tali’ Pals: Taliban Bring Peace and Justice, U.S. Created ‘Hell on Earth’ in Afghanistan
[Note: This is the latest segment in an ongoing series about Code Pink and its co-founder Jodie Evans. Click here to read earlier articles.]

Photo Credit RAWA
In a wide-ranging interview released this week by MIPtalk, Obama funder, terrorist sympathizer and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans spoke about her meetings with the Taliban and President Barack Obama. She lauded the Taliban for bringing peace and justice to Afghanistan while saying that the U.S. has failed to deliver either.
In a separate interview with Lauren Steiner, Jodie Evans went further in her criticism of the United States saying that we had created “hell on earth” in Afghanistan.
Jodie Evans also spoke about being called on by Obama’s Deputy Chief of Staff for a morning-after briefing following her hand delivery of a propaganda package to Obama about Afghanistan.
Jodie Evans admits in the interview she does “a lot to not support the troops.”
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