Green Energy
President Makes Surprise Trip to Iraq -- Refers to Troops in Korea as "Pretty Good Photo Op"
Ok, so we're talking about two different prsident's here. One with class, one not.from
The Washington Post last week:
Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time) and received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cellphones to snap pictures.
"You guys make a pretty good photo op," the president said.
Meanwhile, as troops in Afghanistan are dying waiting for dithering Uncle Barry to make ANY kind of decision on what to do there, Dear Leader was busy sending a Hajj message (why the hell didn't he just have his grandmother deliver it in person) while tuckering into
Honey-Baked Ham
Cornbread Stuffing
Oyster Stuffing
Macaroni and Cheese
Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Banana Cream Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Sweet Potato Pie
Huckleberry Pie
Cherry Pie
How are those MRE Turkey Dinners, guys?
Obama 'admin' diverting cash from food stamps to fund Michelle’s “Let’s Move” program From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:'Let Them Eat Cake'Obama 'admin' diverting cash from food stamps to fund Michelle’s “Let’s Move”...
CBS L.A.: 10,000 Expected To Line Up For Free Turkey Dinners In South LA LOS ANGELES (CBS) — Low-income residents and seniors are lining up for free turkey dinners from a local car company.As many as 10,000 people are expected to show up for the “23rd...
Obama, Ice Cream Cone Photo-ops, And Iran
From Atlas Shrugs: ....a ride in the presidential motorcade to get frozen custard from The Dairy Godmother on Saturday afternoon. Twelve dark vehicles wound thru small side streets to the Del Ray section of Alexandria, Virginia, a suburb of Washington.Liz...
Bush In Iraq This Labor Day
Breaking news from AP: AL-ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq (AP) - President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq on Monday, using the war zone as a backdrop to argue his case that the buildup of U.S. troops is helping stabilizing the nation. The president secretly...
Here's Some Turkish Delight
COLOR THIS, WHAT IS NATO? Stratfor this AM:TURKEY: Turkey has no plans to send troops into Northern Iraq to confront Kurdish militants, though military action remains an option for the future, a Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman said. Recent buildups...
Green Energy