Green Energy

Celebrity news of the day: Angelina Jolie thinks Obama’s a socialist phony

Look, let's admit it, this post is just an excuse to put up yet another photo of Angelina Jolie.

But, past that, I have have to ask the question. Why is it that ANYONE is surprised that Angelina Jolie would dislike Barack Obama?

A glance at Saudi government-approved fatwas TAKING FLOWERS TO THE SICK: — "This practice is impermissible as it entails wasting money on non-useful purposes and imitating Allah's adversaries in this custom." RELATIONS WITH NON-MUSLIMS: "A Muslim...

- Angelina Jolie Is A Racist Bastard
Because, you know, as a WHITE woman she keeps accetping roles that should go to BLACK actresses. Like that of Mariane Pearl in A Mighty Heart. Because Mariane's mother was part African many in the black community felt it should have gone to a black...

- Angelina Jolie Calls Out Obama On Sudan
From Don Surber in the Daily Mail: I have always maintained that celebrities have the same right to express themselves that I do. Few of them rise above rote liberalism and the trite slogans that go with it. Angelina Jolie does rise above that....

- Now, That's Just Wrong: Angleina Jolie In An Islamic Headscarf
If ever you needed a reason to want to make sure that Islam never rules in the West, here it is. Angelina Jolie is one of the most beautiful women in the world. You'd have to be a sick human being to want her to go around covered up all the time....

- All That You Can't Leave Behind
The Things We Stand To Lose, If Islamofascism Wins I think I'm going to make this a new series here at IBA. And I'm going to ask for your help on this one. Let us take note of all the things we will lose if our civilization caves in to the Islamofascists,...

Green Energy
