Green Energy

Killian Duke, the cartoonist behind Pigman, hero of The Infidel graphic novel.
From a story at Dhimmi Watch:
'According to the Iraqi Artists' Association, at least 115 singers and 65 actors have been killed since the US-led invasion, as well as 60 painters.' Killed by Muslims doing Allah's work. more....
Even though we in America have the First Amendment, we're still in danger of paying a price for showing and telling the truth about Islam and its Jihad. In the Muslim world, Individuals have No protections whatsoever, even from paying a price for work that has a mere whiff of not being fully in line with Islam.
Bosch Fawstin
'from Mohammed To Ayn Rand'
My interview with Front Page Magazine, on ProPiganda: Drawing the Line Against Jihad, The Infidel & Pigman. An Excerpt: From Mohammed to Ayn Rand DS: As an ex-Muslim creating a graphic novel about an ex-Muslim who creates an anti-Jihad superhero is...
The Individual
A terrorist's friend has won the US presidency during a war against us by terrorists.Let's take that in for a moment and fully appreciate how terrible that fact is. Ok, now what are we going to do about it as Individuals? Tell The Truth, no matter...
The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Listen to the nearly famous The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which WC and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time. The call-in number is (646) 915-9870. Callers welcome! Friday, September 5 (60 minutes): Our...
Muslim Roulette
By Bosch Fawstin Islam vs Muslims A is A. Islam is Islam. There is no such thing as ‘Good’ Islam vs ‘Bad’ Islam. Islam is a totalitarian religion, while Muslims are individual human beings who may or may not practice Islam faithfully. I’ve...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
Introducing the Prophet Mohammed Doo. Yesterday was Mohammed's birthday, so we invited him on the IBA Radio Show to celebrate. Turns out Mohammed is a cretinous, carnivorous canine. He loves "Kosher hot dogs" and French Poodles named Fifi. It...
Green Energy