Green Energy

Malaysian Muslims
Pissed Off
Evan Almighty
God damn them. Don't those dumb fuckers realize the movie is a flop anyway?
Anyway, Wild Bill, an intrepid blogger and commenter has convinced me that it would be funny to attract an audience of people who are searching for photos of tits and ass, and other stupid content. But, are tits and ass really stupid content?
At least one of my heads is telling me they are among the most profound things on Earth.
I really can't figure this one out on my own. I think I'll need some help.
But, I digress.
Can you believe those fucking stupid Malaysian Islamofascist idiots?
KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysian Muslims have called for a ban on the blockbuster movie "Evan Almighty," saying it is offensive to their religion, state media reported Friday.
Malaysia's influential Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) said the comedy, which plays on the story of Noah's ark and features actor Morgan Freeman as God, was insulting to Islam.
"The movie refers to the big flood during the time of Prophet Noah, but this has been turned into a comedy which is insulting to Islam," Secretary-General Maamor Osman told news agency Bernama.
"Featuring a human being as God in the movie is also against Islam," he added.
For anyone who is interested, Judaism and Christianity also have injunctions against "graven images" and idolatry.
But, somehow, Jews and Christians don't tend to freak out over this kind of stupid shit.
Hmm, I wonder what the problem is? I guess, as I said, I'm going to need a hand in thinking this one through.
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It Has Come To This
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Islamification Of Malaysia
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Candlelight Vigil In Malaysia
Appeal to all Malaysian readers and bloggers. Please forward this or post it on your blog, even if you are not a Malaysian blog since you may have Malaysian readers. A big thank you to any non-Malaysians who stand with us in this time to get the word...
Destroying The Past One Life At A Time
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Green Energy