Green Energy
$640 Toilet Seat: The Government Procurement Orgy of Sloth and Corruption
Or, How Obama Spends $4.4 Billion Dollars On 14 "State Insurance Exchanges" (Websites) That Don't Work At All
I Apologize For My Unfortunate Use of Monkeys In An Article Which References President Obama's Failed Leadership With Regard To The Obamacare Website. I Did Not Mean Any Harm, And I Certainly Did Not Want To Hurt The President's Feelings, Nor To Indicate That He, or The Administration Over Which He Is The Chief Executive, Were Incapable of Producing An Actual Website. Instead, Through The Use Of Primitive Monkeys, I Meant To Highlight The Oddity That Almost $5 Billion Has Disappeared On A Project So Simple Even a Few Monkeys Could Finish It. In Short, I Meant To Insinuate That Obama, and His Cronies, Are Scam Artists Who, Presiding Over The Administration of a Slush Fund, Took The Money They Taxed Out of We The People, And Divided It Up Amongst Their Friends, Never Intending To Actually Produce Anything Of Worth In the First Place - Oh Yes, And By The Way, When Is Barack Obama Going To "Do The Right Thing"?
From Ace:
The Obama administration gave states roughly $4.4 billion in taxpayer dollars to set up their own ObamaCare websites, according to a new analysis, in the latest revelation about the faucet of federal spending switched on by the 2010 passage of the health care law.
Some of the states even took federal money, then decided to let the federal site handle enrollment.
Meanwhile, as regards the several hundred million dollar pile of rancid garbage, Obama's team has a great idea: Let's just skip the website altogether, and tell people to contact insurers directly.
On a mission to help people bypass distressed health-insurance websites, the Obama administration said it may allow big insurers to directly sign up those who qualify for tax credits, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
Currently, customers who are eligible for subsidies can get them only when purchasing coverage on the exchanges.
It Apears That It Was Not A Minor Writing Error Which Resulted In Halbig
As we all know, a US court just decided that BY LAW no subsidies can be available to citizens under Obamacare if the state they live in did not have a state run Obamacare exchange. The administration countered, in effect, this was a typo, that their INTENT...
Hhs Says It Needs $1.8 Billion To Run Obamacare Website For One Year
From the Washington Times: President Obama’s top health officials said Tuesday they expect Congress to front the money needed to fund Obamacare’s federal marketplace in fiscal 2015 as they work to make operate better this fall. The...
Obamacare Website Costs Top $1 BillionFrom Will at THE OTHER NEWS: My Name is Barack Obama, and I Approved This Message ZeroHedge. Although the GAO has made clear the limitations of its data, its $394 million tally for work through March 31 has been...
The IRS Has Already Abused Its Powers under ObamaCare From Will at THE OTHER NEWS: The IRS Has Already Abused Its Powers under ObamaCare.HT:
[email protected] Michael F. Cannon. Over at Bloomberg, National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru writes about...
The Hill: White House has diverted $500M to IRS to implement healthcare law The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation...
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