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"Take Anything You Want From Me, Any Little Thing"

The European Union gets down on its knees and begs the Islamists not to hurt them:
Maybe if I act like I'm dead, the Muslims will leave me alone.
School textbooks should be reviewed for intolerant depictions of Islam and other faiths by experts overseen by the European Union and Islamic leaders, the European Parliament was told yesterday.
The call for a special committee to examine religious education in schools came from Hans-Gert Pöttering, the German Christian Democrat, who heads the largest group of MEPs. But the proposal was immediately condemned as “appeasement” by Charles Tannock, a British Conservative MEP.
Mr Pöttering, the head of the centre-Right, but largely federalist European People’s Party, said the work of building bridges between Islam and the West had to “begin with young people”.
During a debate intended to show Europe’s unity in the face of the row over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, he said textbooks should be checked to ensure they promoted European values without propagating religious stereotypes or prejudice.
He also suggested that the EU could co-operate with the 56-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference, which has its headquarters in Saudi Arabia, to create a textbook review committee.
“They could help to choose the experts to sit on this committee,” he said.Charles at Little Green Footballs has a bunch of info on the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
Hint: They aren't a very friendly organization.
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