Green Energy
"The Muslim Brotherhood established the Freedom and Justice Party to represent the Brotherhood’s political project, which, in the end, will be a wise government that will institute Islamic Shari’a law”
Saad al-Katatny elected head of Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party
Any questions Barack?Even if this is the undoubted goal of the people of Egypt is this good for the American people?
In what ways were you prepared for the evaporation of ANY secular protections for the individual, and religions in Egypt (or anywhere in the ‘spring’)?
What will be your fiscal foreign policy towards such nations? Will you cut them off or emulate the foreign policy of the USA in the 1950’s towards banana republics who claimed to be anti-communist?
This whole thing makes me foot stomping angry for its sheer LUNACY
Saad al-Katatny was elected chairman of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, Egyptian media reported Friday. He beat out FJP’s acting leader Essam al- Erian in a vote that took place October 6.
The FJP is Egypt’s largest political party, currently occupying 47 percent of all seats in the country’s lower house of parliament.
(UNMENTIONED is that another 24-25% is held by the MORE salafi Nour Party and they form an overwhelming and irresistible majority)
Katatny hailed his election as “a first step” towards achieving the goals of the FJP, according to Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper.
In this respect, Katatny was quoted as saying that “The Muslim Brotherhood established the [FJP] to represent the Brotherhood’s political project, which, in the end, will be a wise government that will institute Islamic Shari’a law.”
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi earlier this year ran for office on the FJP ticket. However, he resigned from the party immediately after being elected.
Last week Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Muhammad Badiecalled on Muslims worldwideto liberate Jerusalem by means of jihad.
According to AFP, in his weekly message to supporters, Badie asserted that “The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims,” stressing that the city’s conquest “will not be done through negotiations or at the United Nations.”
The Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide previously vowed that if the Muslim Brotherhood ever rose to power in Egypt, it would work to sever relations with Israel. “We are certainly not happy with the illegitimate marriage between Cairo and Tel Aviv,” he said.
“Once we rise to power we will change many things in Egypt’s policy, starting with the country’s relations with Israel which have caused us great harm.”
What is there to say here?
Mitt, your problem Monday night is twofold.
- Find the priority issue (there is a plate full)
- Find a way to explain this in a few sentences which evokes in the stomach of watchers the same nausea that people who understand what is going in feel
Ahem. . .
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