Green Energy

From the Opinionator at Up Pompeii:
How many times has the Western World been chastised, denounced as Islamophobic and threatened by muslims for saying that the muslim religion is "soft on pedophilia"? If this taboo subject, abhorred by ALL Western nations, has no place in Islam then why are little girls - ages between 3 - 10 years old - considered old enough to be bartered (for a dead dog) as marriageable = brides??
Whereas it is commendable that some government officials, in Pakistan, are voicing their outrage-- the origination of the source of the mindset that foments much of the muslim population to consider the use of little girls (referred to in article as "ladies") as chattel capable of performing "wifely" duties - though "unspeakable" is clear.
It started with a dead dog, escalated into a tit-for-tat tribal war, and has now reached a grotesque climax with the exchange of 15 child brides.
Pakistani human rights activists are outraged at reports that a long-running blood feud in a remote corner of western Baluchistan province has been resolved by the handing over of 15 girls, aged between three and 10, for marriage.
"There has to be action," said Asma Jahangir, a leading rights campaigner. "These people who force others to sell their daughters must be sent to prison."
The new government in Islamabad, led by the party of the late Benazir Bhutto, has promised to act. "We will not allow young girls to be traded like this," said the information minister, Sherry Rehman. "The culprits who tried to do this will be arrested. The orders have been given."
But Jahangir said those orders had not been acted upon. "There is a dysfunction in the whole system. They are not listening to the government," she said. "We need to see them being more effective than just rhetoric."
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Green Energy