Green Energy
2010: every rape in Oslo committed by followers of Muhammed

Israel National News has an alarming report with a video included about a new police report from Norway detailing that just about every rape in Oslo was committed by followers of Islam:
Defenders of Islam call it a "religion of peace" but Norwegian women are learning that Islam is the religion of rape. According to an amazing police report released there this month, every single solved case of assault-rape in the country in 2010 was carried out by a Muslim immigrant.
The report was cited by an official Norwegian television station. According to the report there was a total of 186 of known rape cases in 2010. These fall into various categories, the largest one of which is assault-rape, carried out by sheer physical force, of which there were 86 cases. In 83 of these cases the perpetrator could be identified by the victim. In all 83, the attacker was described as having "non-western appearance," a laundered euphemism for Muslim immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, or Asia.
In other categories of rape there were Norwegian attackers as well, but they were still in the minority (Note: the translation of the Norwegian TV report embedded here does not make a distiction between "assault rape" and other forms of rape, and appears to confuse the statistics for 2010 with those for 2006-2010).
A female police officer who commented on the report explained that “Many of the perpetrators who commit these rapes are on the edge of society often unemployed, arriving from traumatized countries. In the past five years it has often been asylum seekers.”
This is the result of uncontrolled immigration, multiculturalism, and dhimmitude. But this being a country that clearly hasn't evolved much past the remote days of the Vikings, there's no telling if they'll do anything to curb the crisis.
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