Green Energy
2012: Give Us Liberty, Give Them Death

My mind's already thinking 2012 when Americans will be good and ready to vote for someone like Guliani with a John Bolton as his back up. Hope it's them, but it will have to be someone like them; tough, principled men who understand it's a dangerous world and who are willing to say and do the difficult things, and who don't give a damn about being disliked by despicable people. In four years, things will get worse and more of us will be sicker of the status quo that the candidates that will be taken seriously will be the kind of men who get things done and who fully defend our lives with the enemy's deaths.
-Bosch Fawstin
In Which I Advise The Republicans To Learn Judo
Give the president EXACTLY what he wants on taxes, on the cliff.EVERYTHING.Make pretty speeches saying you don’t believe this is the right thing, but to prove partisan action will not be allowed to stand in the way of the people’s will,...
White House Insider; "the President Is Losing It"
From Director Blue: It hasn't gotten much press, but a former White House insider has reportedly dished the dirt on President Obama -- and the revelations sound plausible indeed. ...Obama loved to campaign. He clearly didn’t like the work of being...
The Individual
A terrorist's friend has won the US presidency during a war against us by terrorists.Let's take that in for a moment and fully appreciate how terrible that fact is. Ok, now what are we going to do about it as Individuals? Tell The Truth, no matter...
A World Where The Bad Guy Won
by Bosch Fawstin Mohammed God Away with Murder History tells us that the founder of ‘the religion of peace’ lied, cheated, stole, raped and murdered his way into power. These things are not dark secrets; they are readily available to any who want...
Infidel Babe Of The Week - Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Edition
This babes name is Liberty. If you can tear your eyes away from her for a second, I'd like to direct your attention to our sidebar. For the longest time we have had the same statement up, (which was written by Dag and myself): Everyone has the same...
Green Energy