Green Energy
37% believe govt CAN make right decisions
WaPo is reporting that the only president worse off as regarded by the people than Barack Obama is right now, at the same point in their presidency, is Richard Nixon. To be sure, this loss of faith in not just in him. Properly. He is the leader and responsible but there is plenty to go around.
This begs another question. If the people have this opinion of this man, despite ALL the media has done to boost, preserve and laud this man and his ideology, if the people see through Obama and his admin at this point, and the media CONTINUE as they certainly have, …
Yet, the president and those in lock step with his failed plans insist on coloring those with little-no faith in govt as extremists.This weekend I listened as C Schumer (D, NY) told the Center for American Progress (i.e. Soros Central) that the solution to this cynical regard of govt was MORE IRS REPRESSION OF $ CONTRIBUTIONS TO REPRESS FREE SPEECH.
Out loud.
In public.
As the total of subscribed main media falls, both in print and on line, as people move more and more towards non traditional news sources, left and right:
is this because of a loss of credibility by media?
If the people have lost faith in the president (and the govt in general), a fact given these polls, what can they think of those who continue to press his discredited plans and ideology?
If the people have lost faith in the govt, and have lost faith in those who report on the govt, what do they have faith in?
The Illegal Alien Amnesty Defunding/dhs Disaster
Blame MITCH MCCONNELL. This is not about ideology alone. Certainly if in NH, Sen Jean Shaheen nearly lost a pretty safe seat over THIS ISSUE, and the Dems lost a SOLID, LARGE, majority in the senate, this nation feels strongly a secure border, and SOME...
The Divide Of The Ideal And Governance In The Real World
The last 6 years has seen a double failure in the USA. One failure is understandable and forgivable even if history has proven the error. The other failure is one of stubborn arrogance, and UNFORGIVABLE. The Progressive ideal which I regard as utopian...
Obama- Experts Tell Me This Usa Can’t Chew Gum And Walk At The Same Time
"And fellow Americans, I believe them, now shut up, because the experts are smarter than you, and I am smarter than them." Yesterday, Barack Obama, as he has done as a PRINCIPLE for every bad decision he has made, DOUBLED DOWN to prove he is sure about ...
That Pesky Fcc Invasion .. The Questions They Wanted To Ask
The FCC is required by law to conduct media studies. That should be repealed. There is PLENTY of information out there, and having the govt impact what should be available (even if, as on line there plenty of unbelievable baloney), is a MAJOR WORRY. I’d...
Obama Can Use Executive Action To Stop Any Shutdown Any Time He Wants
He just tells the Treasury Dept to PRINT, PRINT, PRINTWe now have a dysfunctional govt.We have a national family that hates itself, and has 12 steps zealots and drug addicts seeing each other in a mirror.A little pressure there for Boehner et al?A little...
Green Energy