Green Energy
41st Wedding Anniversary
Mr. AOW and I are going out to one of our favorite restaurants.
No big splurge on this day, the actual date of our anniversary, because in August we'll be going on a week's vacation at a classy resort — our first vacation since 2007. Best end-of-year teacher present ever!
Now Megyn Kelly Attacks Ted Cruz
So, she attacks the only candidate I, and other Conservatives, like. And she attacks the American people's favorite candidate. She is not attempting to have a reasonable conversation. She is attempting to take them down. It's time for another...
Part Of The Job
Once upon a couple years ago I had a job where I was on call 24/7/365. No time was considered sacred.
I was called at night at home.
I did 72 hr no sleep shifts during 3+ ft blizzards.
I've been called during Easter Mass.
I was called...
First Ever Photo Of Mohammed At The Beach, Medina, C. 625
I was snooping around the sub-basement at the local archives today and to my complete amazement I saw a box of old vacation photos that came from Medina, Arabia. I took a peek, and there, lo and behold, was a shot of Mohammed at the beach with a couple...
Figures… Obama Skips Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall, Sends a Video & Talks About Himself Click on the title above to read the whole thing at Gateway Pundit. Here's the most astounding part: One international leader was conspicuously absent...
Obama Draws Criticism for Sitting Out Berlin Wall Anniversary Boy President will sit out the anniversary of one of thegreatest milestones of the late 20th century. Voting "Present" once again.President Obama squeezed in a trip to Copenhagen last month...
Green Energy