Fifty-four House members are defying AIPAC and calling on President Obama to lift the deadly blockade of Gaza.
... In short, the courageous 54 want the blockade lifted.Please take a look at the list of these legislators who will, no doubt, catch hell from powerful AIPAC types in their districts and, more significanyly, among their donor base.
Also note this. The fact that your favorite liberal is not among the 54 does not mean he or she disagrees with their braver colleagues. It only means that they are not ready to stand up and be counted.
How AIPAC Controls US Congress: US Representative Betty McCollum Reacts to the Intimidation Tactics of of the Israel Lobby TAKE ACTION: AIPAC Banned by Rep. McCollum (MN-4)
TAKE ACTION: Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN-4th district) has banned the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) from her office until she receives a formal, written apology from AIPAC for equating her vote in the House International Relations Committee against HR 4681, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, with "support for terrorists." The following "Letter to AIPAC" from Rep. McCollum will be published in the June 8th edition of the New York Review of Books with a long piece by Michael Massing ("The Storm over the Israel Lobby"). Massing includes the letter as evidence to support his thesis that the tactics of the Israel lobby are harsh, and often extremely effective, in pursuing its objectives: "to keep Israel strong, the Palestinians weak, and the United States from exerting pressure on Israel." Both items are essential reading.
Please take a moment to thank Rep. McCollum for her stance against HR 4681 and for her courage to stand up to AIPAC's attempts to smear her and stifle debate. You can call her office directly at 202-225-6631 or call the Capitol switchboard toll-free at 1-888-355-3588 and ask to be transferred to her office.
If no one is able to take your call, please leave a brief message of thanks along with your name and address so that Rep. McCollum can get in touch with you. Please call today!
But, my dear sirs, when peace does come, you may call on me for any thing. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter.
This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.
That's' because ...
- Raul Grijalva
- Lois Capps
- Sam Farr
- Bob Filner
- Barbara Lee
- Loretta Sanchez
- Pete Stark
- Michael Honda
- Lynn Woolsey
- Jackie Speier
- Diane Watson
- George Miller
- Jim Himes
- Andre Carson
- Bruce Braley
- John Yarmuth
- Elijah Cummings
- Donna Edwards
- Michael Capuano
- William Delahunt
- Jim McGovern
- John Tierney
- John Olver
- Stephen Lynch
- John Conyers
- John Dingell
- Carolyn Kilpatrick
New Jersey
- Keith Ellison
- Betty McCollum
- James Oberstar
New York
- Donald Payne
- Rush Holt
- Bill Pascrell
North Carolina
- Yvette Clarke
- Maurice Hinchey
- Paul Tonko
- Eric Massa
- David Price
- Mary Jo Kilroy
- Marcy Kaptur
- Earl Blumenauer
- Peter DeFazio
- Chaka Fattah
- Joe Sestak
- Peter Welch
- Jim Moran
West Virginia
- Jim McDermott
- Adam Smith
- Jay Inslee
- Brian Baird
- Nick Rahall
- Tammy Baldwin
- Gwen Moore
- Glenn Nye
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