Green Energy
95% of the World's Armed Conflicts

The following is an excerpt from the new investigative report called Islam in American Classrooms: History or Propaganda? (PDF document).
It's thirty pages long, but it's worth reading. It is one of the most carefully-documented specific examples of long-term stealth jihad I have ever read. Excellent. I liked this little tidbit:
According to the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, in its List of Wars in the Muslim World, since the death of Mohammed there have been 63 major Islamic wars of conquest involving over 201 major battles. It also documents 18 current conflicts involving Muslims, which represent over 95% of the world's armed conflicts. Historians have estimated that Muslims killed over 270 million people during the last 1400 years in their wars of conquest, plunder and enslavement.
The Ridda Wars - Islam Would Not Have Survived Without Death To Apostates
From Niconarg: After Mohammed-the-pig died, a ton of Muslims started using their brains and decided to leave Islam. Abu Bakr, the first Caliph of Islam and Mohammed's best buddy, waged war against them and killed a crap load of people for leaving...
95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim. This may sound like propaganda because it sounds so far fetched. It isn’t. Check your own world almanac…....
Muslims And Leftists
Next Year's Wars: 16 brewing conflicts to watch...
The De-masculinisation Of War
The German language knows, different from English, a specific term for soldiers who are killed in action at wartime. They are not soldiers killed in action or in a war, they are "fallen" soldiers. A soldier "falls" in a war. "Mein Vater ist im Krieg gefallen",...
Islam Around The World
The video highlights major conflicts around the world involving Islam. Crossposted at Eye On The World....
Green Energy