A break in is order !
Green Energy

A break in is order !

Considering the clamor of this week, a little break is in order. 
I a m sure most will recognize the ORIGINAL theme occurring at 1:41. It later inspired a truly incredible composer 400 years later to create one of the more beautiful pieces ever written.

- Sheriff Reports 10,000 At New Lenox/joliet Rally
Obama's home state! Breaking news from New Lenox/Joliet… the sheriff’s office is reporting to us that the crowd estimate for the rally here is 10,000+ and they are shutting down a portion of Interstate 80 for traffic control do to the massive...

- The La Times Weeps For Terrorists
(LA Times) Lately, we've heard and read much about torture memos, waterboarding and insects in a box. It has been the occasion for somber reflection on our past and serious deliberation about our future. This is as it should be. It was Arizona Sen....

- Young Saudi Girl's Marriage Ended
Media reports say an arranged marriage between a Saudi girl aged eight and a man in his 50s has been annulled, in a case attracting worldwide criticism. The Saudi Gazette says the divorce was agreed in an out-of-court settlement after a judge rejected...

- Pirates - 0 Msc Melody - 1
Imagine, you finally get to take that trip of a lifetime. The one you saved and scrimped for. You're out on the beautiful blue waters, lounging by the pool, drinking your cocktail and you look up in time to see, PIRATES. You know damn well they weren't...

- Muslims In The White House
I have been saying all along, Obama would fill the White House with Muslims. Well, he has begun. From Winds of Jihad Prez Hopenchange seeks Muslims for the White House by sheikyermami on March 27, 2009 * “It was mostly under the radar”- because...

Green Energy
