Green Energy
A car bomb for Flemming Rose
Yesterday one of the four defendants in a terror case in Odense, Denmark’s third largest city, revealed in court that in the summer of 2006 a fellow conspirator had suggested building a remote-controlled car bomb and driving it into my private home in order to kill me. The reason: the publication of 12 cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in my newspaper Jyllands-Posten.”It was a bit of a joke, and we laughed a little, though I know that it wasn’t a laughing matter,” the defendant said.
Joke or no joke, the defendant acknowledged that in fact two men from the cell had a bit earlier detonated a bomb in a soccer field using a cell phone as the remote control. The purpose of this activity was to excercise their ”craft.” [yeah, I’m laughing heartedly about this…
The defendant is a 34-year-old Danish-born man who converted to Islam. He has provided the police with a lot of compromising information about the other three members of the cell. The convert told the police that AK, a 22 year old man born in Iraq, travelled to his home country in 2005 to become a suicide terrorist. The young man insists that he went to shoot a documentary.
Pajamas Media: Terror Threat Against Danish Cartoon Editor Flemming Rose
I have read it at JW.
Related news: Barclays planning a hedgefond for Muslims according to Sharia Law. (In German). Thanks to anti-anti-americanism.
Cross-posted from SP.
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Green Energy