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A Catholic Editor With Big Huge Golden Balls

The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Golden Balls Award goes to Italian magazine editor Cesare Cavalleri for publishing a cartoon of
Mohammed In HellRome - An Italian magazine close to the influential Catholic conservative Opus Dei group has published a cartoon showing the Prophet Mohammed in hell, sparking outrage among Muslim associations in Italy. The drawing is published in the March issue of Studi Cattolici. According to the Italian news agency Ansa, the cartoon shows the Italian poets Dante Alighieri and Virgil on the edge of a circle of flames looking down on Mohammed, whose body is cut in half.
"Isn't that Mohammed?" Virgil is shown asking Dante. "Yes, and he's cut in two because he has brought division to society," replies Dante. Cartoons by 12 artists, first published in a Danish newspaper in September and later reprinted in a number of other mainly European dailies, sparked Muslim protests worldwide. Studi Cattolici editor Cesare Cavalleri said: "I hope the publication of this drawing won't lead to attacks, because if that happened it would only prove the idiotic positions of Islamic extremists. Well said, Cesare.
Image from Dante's Inferno: In the Inferno chapter of Dante's trilogy The Divine Comedy, Mohammed is described as being one of the "Sowers of Discord," showing his entrails to Dante and Virgil in the Eighth Circle of Hell:
Inferno XXVIII, 19-42. The poets are in the ninth chasm of the eighth circle, that of the Sowers of Discord, whose punishment is to be mutilated. Mahomet shows his entrails to Dante and Virgil while on the left stands his son Ali, his head cleft from chin to forelock. The 1911 Italian silent film L'Inferno contained a dramatization of the scene; Mohammed is here on the right with his entrails hanging out.
More On Canada's Cancellation Of "draw Mohammed Day", From Mark Steyn
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German Interior Minister: Eu Press Should Publish Mohammed Cartoons
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The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mohammed Cartoon Contest
Draw cartoons, or artistic depictions of Mohammed, and submit them to us here, by leaving a link in the comments section. You don't need to be mean, or pornographic. Just draw good ole Mo in everyday situations, like standing in line at Wal-Mart,...
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