Green Energy
A Plea For Help From A French Citizen
We received a message today from a French citizen which I thought was funny, but, I don't know, he may be serious. Here it is:
Désolé d'écrire en Français.
Pourriez-vous nous fournir des armes afin que nous puissions tuer et chasser les musulmans vivant en France ?

According to my handy-dandy free French translator, that means:
Grieved to write in French.
Could you furnish us weapons so that we could kill and hunt the living Muslims in France?Yes, apparently, the natives are getting restless in Europe.
40% Of French And Germans See Muslims As National Security Threat
In other words, 40% of French and Germans see reality for what it is. From AFP: Paris - Four in 10 French and German people see Muslims living in their country as a "threat", according to a poll published on Tuesday by French newspaper Le Monde. Forty-two...
BBC: 'Bin Laden' in warning to France after kidnap in Niger Osama Bin Laden has reportedly tied the kidnapping of five French people in Niger to France's treatment of its Muslim minority. An audio message said to have been recorded by the...
French Catholic Church: Respect the Rights of Muslims Just last week French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that the non-Muslims of France need to tolerate Islam. In another act of the slow destruction of Western Civilization, the French Catholic...
For France, The Party's Over
As a child, I was lucky to learn French as well as English in school. It's a beautiful language. Say what you want about France, but it is a pleasure to speak french, there's a majestic rhythm to the flow of the words; I should miss it, were it...
Kidnapped Soldier Is A French Jew
French Ambassador in Israel S.E. Gerard Araud, went to Mitspe Hila in order to demonstrate his solidarity for the family of kidnapped soldier Guilad Shalit. Certain members of Shalit's family, it turns out, possess French citizenship (Guysen.Israël.News)...
Green Energy