Green Energy
A rabbi, a priest and an imam walk into a bar...
Saudis to teach human rights to religious police
ABU DHABI -- Saudi Arabia is providing training for its controversial religious police on how to relate with diplomats and non-Muslims.
Officials said the Saudi Foreign Ministry would sponsor a course for the 10,000 religious police, who have been accused of brutality in efforts to enforce Islamic law. They said the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice would undergo training by the ministry's Institute of Diplomatic Studies in April.
This was not the first attempt to train religious police officers, who have consistently overstepped their authority. In 2007, the Saudi government announced a series of programs that also were to teach officers human rights and ensure coordination with the Interior Ministry.
Lesson 1: When the building is on fire, let the victims out
Saudi "morality Police" Chief Says Ban On Women Driving Not Part Of Sharia
Yeah, right, that's what he says: Saudi Arabia's ban on women driving is not mandated by any text in Sharia, the Islamic legal code which forms the basis for most Saudi law, the head of its morality police told Reuters on Thursday. Sheikh Abdulatif...
Emirates 24/7 Saudi police arrest sorceress with 98 victims By StaffPublished Tuesday, April 05, 2011 Saudi Arabia’s feared Islamic police arrested a sorceress who had practiced witchcraft on 98 victims, a newspaper reported on Tuesday. Members of the...
Saudi Woman Beats The Hell Out Of Virtue Cop
From the Jerusalem Post: When a Saudi religious policeman sauntered about an amusement park in the eastern Saudi Arabian city of Al-Mubarraz looking for unmarried couples illegally socializing, he probably wasn’t expecting much opposition. But when...
Saudi Arabia Crosses Out The Letter X
Youssef Ibrahim reports in the NY Sun that the House of Saud may soon be banning the letter X from use because it resembles the mother of all banned religious symbols in the oil kingdom: the cross. The new development came with the issuing of another...
British Airline Bans Bibles To Saudi Arabia
Britain's BMI airlines have banned its employees from bringing non-Muslim religious articles on its lucrative Saudi Arabia route. Keep in mind - this was not in response to a request from Saudi Arabia. Like good little dhimmis, they want to proactively...
Green Energy