Green Energy
Aboslutely No Link Between Islam and Fascism. Repeat, There Is No Link....

I wish fundie Muslims would work out if they believe the holocaust is a myth propogated in order to elicit sympathy for the Zionists, or if it was a holy piece of work to burn those Jews...
More peace & love from Pakistan. Picture from LGF.
Fascists and Islam hand in hand. Mwah. Should get a bed together.
Obviously a one off. Well, apart from this. Oh, and this. [Cross posted at DrunkenBlogging]
Let The Sun Shine On 'islam'
TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's conference questioning the Holocaust came to an end Tuesday, but not before hearing former KKK Imperial Wizard David Duke say that gas chambers were not used to kill Jews. "The Zionists have...
Shoura Chief, Saudi, Demands Bush Apologize For Using Islam And Fascism In The Same Sentence
JEDDAH, 21 August 2006 — Shoura Council Chairman Dr. Saleh Bin-Humaid yesterday called for a public apology from US President George W. Bush for linking Islam and Muslims with fascism and terrorism. The chairman was referring to a recent statement...
Storm Track Disinformation: Food For Thought
From The Gathering Storm This is a classic example of the right hand not know the left hand is doing – our allies the Saudis. They are supposed to be helping us in the struggle against the Islamist ideology. Here are some of the topics on a typical...
Ahmadinejad Says: "don't Make Us Lose Our Patience"
Is it me, or is Ahmadinejad starting to look and sound more evil all the time. At first when he came to the fore I thought he looked like your average slob. While I was cognizant of the great threat that he was, he also, at the same time, seemed like...
Holy Pilgrimage!
Green Energy