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Michael sent this. from
The Last Crusade:

by Randy Wyles
24 September 2009
This is about as rich as a fresh, steaming cow patty on a cold winter morning; ACORN employees are caught, on five different occasions in five different cities, giving two undercover filmmakers – who they believe are a pimp and a prostitute – “tax advice” regarding how to cheat the government…and ACORN is going to sue the two undercover filmmakers who captured the employees illicit “tax advice” sessions?
Yeah, it wreaks, but we all know it’s standard operating procedure for a group that specializes in breaking the law. It’s the tactic known as “the best defense is a strong offense.” You’ll recall that this is the same group charged with voter registration fraud and using intimidation tactics in an election that put Barack Obama in the White House.
Now, at this point, let me say that I never again want to hear Cry-Baby Al Gore and his sniveling Disciples of Whining complain about some “hanging chads” in Florida. Those ballots ended up being counted over and over, by a team of elections officials in front of news cameras. These ACORN employees were only caught after a hidden camera exposed their blatant attempt to defraud the government out of our tax dollars.
In reaction to the fallout from the film, the Internal Revenue Service has ceased its association with ACORN – specifically, the IRS sponsored volunteer tax assistance program. Of course, this is after ACORN has already “assisted” some 25,000 of its “clients” with federal tax returns, according the IRS.
Likewise, the House of Representatives has voted to cut off any further funding of ACORN.
Meanwhile, Texas Representative and House Judiciary Committee ranking member Lamar Smith along with California Representative and House Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa have asked the Government Accounting Office to investigate the possible misuse of federal funds by ACORN – including any possible criminal activity the funds may have supported.
Even the governors of Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota and New York, so far, have cut off state funds to ACORN.
So, two things emerge here; first, take a look at just how many huge sources of revenue across the country this group had to pull from – an organization that does nothing but talk “poor mouth” about being just a “grass roots” and “community” group that helps low-income people. This was our money they were stealing and teaching others how to steal.
Second, ACORN and Barack Obama have been joined at the hip since before anyone ever heard of Barry. Early on, Barry was able to sluff off Rod Blagojevich – for the most part – but these charges and investigations into ACORN may just result in a presidential scandal, the likes of we haven’t seen since Bill and Monica.
It could even become as serious and devastating to Obama as Watergate.
From a little ACORN an impeachable problem for Barry and Company could grow. And you just know Joe Biden is sitting quietly, wringing his hands – if he can only dodge the political bullet.
Randy Wyles is the Executive Editor of Special Ops and and a veteran business and political journalist. Wyles is also the Atlanta Crime Examiner for and is Chief Investigator for Hunter Investigations. He has worked under private contract for the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI.
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