Green Energy
AHAH ....they want to win ! How evil?
Reading the criticism as a result of Woodward's book, one can't but scratch one's head over the Kissinger related issues.

First ..why would an ex secretary of state's visit be considered some kind of gotcha ...if he could .. would Cyrus Vance who helped BOTCH LBJ's vietnam policies, or QUIT over over Jimmy Carter's botched rescue be considered some ill omened evidence of loserdom? Would Dean Rusk or Dean Acheson, or Cordell Hull's visits be some obvious kind of award in gaffedom? Maybe to people who didn't make it back from 1972.
That ain't that, or then, and Zarqouids are not the Vietcong
Next, the smoking gun of this entire thing ... "Victory is the only exit strategy"
How crass to win?
How evil to do those things needed to win?
What bad taste to discusss this with those who HAVE learned the lesson of Vietnam
What is wrong with these people?
Not Cynical Enough Still, Mr. Woodward
This blog and several others have noted at the very least that the current occupant at 1600 PA Ave seems a very self arrogating, self lauding and ‘entitled’ individual whose every dog ate my homework statement (the latest...
I Think We Are Headed For Armed Civil Conflict Unless Something Changes
The proximate reason will be that critical progressives who believe America evil at birth, did not get their fundamental change at the time they wanted it, in the way they wanted it and that those who oppose them, which turned out...
More On The Carter Problem
In her latest column this week, Michelle Malkin talks about the continuing problem with the disgusting Jimmy Carter. More available here. He most definitely must have his passport revoked, and even quarantined/confined to his house that he doesn't...
While You Are Waiting To See If Bush & Co Are So Incompetent They Have Blown It, And Thinking About Nancy Pelosi.....
I am one of those people who see a very clear picture. In our childhood... When we were young boys... I cannot forget the sight of the American forces leaving Vietnam in helicopters, which carried their officers and soldiers. Some Vietnamese, who had...
Someone Is Drastically Wrong, Or Totally Lying, And I Want To Know Who
Bob Woodward has just published a book in which he claims.... the Bush administration has not told the truth regarding the level of violence, especially against U.S. troops, in Iraq. He also reveals key intelligence that predicts the insurgency will grow...
Green Energy