The Palestinians eat their own. There is a diabolical complicity between the Jew hating media and the savages that would wipe the Jews off the map. What set off the second intifada ? Al-Dura. The moment that plunged Israel into a sea of shit was a staged event. And the French media knew it. And who could forget the farce of Jenin? The irony of Jenin was how the Israelis took more military causalities because they would not employ air cover so that there would be less Pali civilian deaths (is there such a thing as a Pali civilian? Oh yeah the 4% that voted against terror. )Judith at HNN has an eye opening account of what really happened to the Pali family here
A terrible tragedy happened on the Gaza beach. Shells exploded and killed 9 men, women and children and injured others. Heartbreaking.
Israel is investigating. But Mark Regev, the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman who said that Israel believes such shelling of civilians to be unacceptable also told the BBC that naval or air shelling have been ruled out. Other possibilities are explored. In the meantime Hamas vows to end the unilateral cease fire with Israel.
But, please, watch this BBC report and tell me what were the cameramen doing on the beach at the moment the shell hit? CNN has the exact same footage.
Are we once again dealing with a Jenin/al Dura style staged recreation?
The BBC also features an eyewitness by a jounalist named Sami Yousef who just happened to be on the beach during the shelling. He ends his account thus:
I've heard people in the last few hours calling for revenge. If an attack happens inside Israel it will make them a little bit happy. It might also make them reject the referendum planned by [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas. Do I smell a Hamas member exploiting an opportunity (with BBC acquiescence) or is it something more sinister?
So what have we here? Another evil staging to incite and drive those thirsty for Jewish blood. Is this "incident" the deliberate precursor to a world of pain?
Hamas Ends 'Truce' With Israel; Threatens New Violence
The militant group Hamas has declared an end to its informal ceasefire with Israel and has vowed to increase the level of bloodshed in the region after the death of seven Palestinian civilians taking a beachside picnic on the Gaza Strip Friday.
UPDATE: SHOCKA! Palis refuse to cooperate with investigation here. Transparancy fellas, c'mon now, we is on to you.
IDF sources say Palestinians have not disclosed information regarding exact location, time of explosion that killed seven civilians on north Gaza beach; ‘this makes it very difficult to form clear picture of what happened,’
IDF sources said Saturday that the Palestinians are not cooperating in the investigation of the Gaza beach incident , during which seven civilians were killed. (hat tip tagrafiti)
UPDATE: More and more the truth emerges. Savages, pigs. Eat their own.
As the IDF continued its investigation into the cause of the explosion that killed seven Palestinians on a Gaza beach on Friday, with the initial assumption being that an errant artillery shell was to blame, Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Saturday night that it was possible the blast was an "internal Palestinian incident." IDF officers said that an "internal Palestinian incident" referred to the possibility that terrorists had fired a Kassam rocket which went off target and hit the crowded Gaza beach between Sudaniya and Beit Lahiya. (hat tip AB)IDF: Palestinians may have caused blast