Green Energy
Al-Quds Day Is The Main Headline On Drudge

The Fu2rman ( my radio co-host) and I were recently discussing the progess of the counter-Jihad. Neither one of us is nearly as negative as most of our compatriots in the movement.
In fact, I believe it is inevitable that we will win.
Just as I don't buy stock in companies who project negativity in their annual reports, neither do I put much of my thought-time into people who project negativity with regards to Western Civilization.
The reality is, Western Civilization has a millenia-long record of progesss. Cat Stevens (the motherfucking asshole who calls himself Yusuf Islam) wrote the song Peace Train about the inevitability of peace in our world. His song, and his, idea are an illusion. As long as human beings are human beings, there will be war.
We are not on a Peace Train.
However, Western Civilization has put itself on a Freedom Train. We are, without a doubt, on a Freedom Train.
The truth is, we can not turn back. We have set ideas into motion - the most important of which are that
1) Freedom comes before virture
2) A free marketplace of ideas allows for the inevitable improvement of society.
Once an individual, or a culture has set these ideas into motion, they, most ironically, have no choice in their destiny. A culture which has chosen Freedom is destined to become ever more Free.
There will be bumps in the road, and these bumps will be created by those who fear Freedom, but the reality is, the more Freedom there is, the more individuals and Cultures will choose Freedom as their base fact of life.
The Fu2rman and I are very bullish on Freedom. We believe that Freedom is the best investment out there. We believe that it will always, ultimately, win out. We believe that there is very little gain in negativity. Instead, we believe that the gains go to those who believe that the impossible can be done.
So, when you hear a counter-Jihadi predicting that we are on a losing path, take it with a grain of salt. In fact, throw the salt over your shoulder. They are contemptible Cassandras. They are the Chicago Cubs of the world. They are perpetual losers.
We are not going to lose. We may lose quite a bit, but let me ask you one simple question which I believe will answer all your doubts and fears:
Do you really believe that you and your neighbors are ready to give up all your shit?
Are you and your neighbors ready to give up the 3000 square-foot house? The Mercedes? The pool? The free porn? The fine Filet Mignon's? The advanced education you're planning for your children? The media that entertains you feed yourself on night after night?
We may not be willing, in theory, to say, along with our NRA brothers and sisters, that the only way we will give up on guns is when they pry them from our cold, dead hands,
I guarantee you, that's the only way we are giving up the Remote Control which controls our American lives.
Fuck any enemy who believes he can waltz in and take away the simplest of pleasures from an American. Go ahead, you stupid Jihadi-motherfuckers. Try to take away Denny's Restaurant from us. We all fucking hate Denny's. It's an abomination of culinary conquest. But, it is a pleasurable necessity on a certain morning when we need that just right pancake fix.
Try to take it away from us and you will be the one with the cold, dead hands.
Anyway, my larger point in bringing this all up is, one of the things that Fu2rman and I noted in our recent conversation about the progess of the counter-Jihad is that even mainstream media people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have become unabashed about declaring that there is something inherently wrong with Islam itself. They have begun to speak out directly against Islam the religion. They have ceased to use the equivocation of "Islamofascism."
Clearly, they have realized that Islamofascism emanates from Islam itself.
When mainstream media figures like Beck and Limbaugh make such a jump into truth you know that progress is being made. Both Beck and Limbaugh make tens of millions of dollars a year. They will not risk their empires asserting dubious postulations.
They will only go for the throat when the throat is clearly exposed.
That is the good news.
The throat of Islam is clearly exposed. CAIR is on the ropes. The Muslim Brotherhood (it's waterboy on the college campuses of our great nation, the Muslim American Society) has been exposed. No one, who pays any attention whatsoever, believes the lies anymore. Because of political-correctness, few actually speak out. But, America is like a Clint Eastwood movie. We speak very few words before our enemy "makes our day."
The Muslims of our world are in very grave danger. And, like the star that exploded several light years ago, whose explosion has not yet reached the visual horizon of planet Earth, the Muslims of our world seem to have no inkling of the fact that their entire world is imperiled beyond belief.
Moderate Muslims of the world, let me warn you, unless you start to speak up soon, and loudly, the future is going very sad and violent for you. You will be picked up by the hairs of your beard, by the lengths of your burqas, and you will be thrown out of the saloon that is Western Civilization.
Of that there is little doubt.
You dare to wonder if I am right in what I am saying? Ok fine. Let me pose this question to you: Why is the lead article on the Drudge Report this morning in Arabic. The lead article is "Al-Quds Day."
When Americans have become so familiar with Muslim bullshit that Matt Drudge can lead with a story on "Al-Quds Day", then you know that Americans have damn near had enough. Western Civilization, itself, is not far behind.
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Green Energy