Green Energy
ALERT: Mika B to File For Divorce From Morning Joe
Watch her face in the video. She wants to whack him with a frying pan.
Actually I'm surprised he said this and that MSNBC let him.
Bet he'll issue an apology next broadcast.
BE NICE she says.
THAT'S funny.
The Blaze:
Scarborough: ‘Terminally Stupid Ideologues’ Should ‘Stop Using the Tea Party as a Piñata’
Posted on August 8, 2011 at 10:03pm by Tiffany Gabbay
Following Senator John Kerry’s outburst Sunday in which he referred to the S&P downgrade as the “Tea Party Downgrade,” Joe Scarborough fought back on his Monday episode of ”Morning Joe.“ The host called on ”terminally stupid ideologues“ that ”really don’t understand” anything because they’re “so dogmatic [they] can’t think for [themselves]“ to ”stop using the Tea Party as a piñata.”
Here’s how he started off:
I am not blaming the President exclusively. We have blamed the Tea Partiers here for not moving. We have blamed Republicans. We have blamed Democrats as well. But please – I know it makes you feel better, but, you know, stop using the Tea Party as a piñata. We’ve got systemic problems in this country. The President could have done something for two years when he had Democrats controlling the House of Representatives and controlling the United States Senate. He did nothing on entitlement reform. [Emphasis added]
According to NewsBusters, Scarborough went on to assert that, contrary to what the liberal media presented, President Obama never offered cuts to entitlement programs in his “grand bargain.” NewsBusters adds:
More importantly according to Scarborough, Obama knew full well that Democrats in Congress would never have go along with any cuts to entitlement programs thereby making this “offer” a cynical one the President knew would never go anywhere.
In Scarborough’s view, Republicans would have been wise to call the President’s bluff, agree in principle to raising revenues, and then allow the entire deal to be scuttled by Democrat intransigence over Social Security and Medicare reform.
Instead, by Republicans backing away from the poker table with a clearly winning hand, the Democrats and the White House have been able to blame everything on them and in particular the Tea Party while demagoguing Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) for having offered the only budget that attempted to solve our long-term fiscal problems.
You can watch the comments below:
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