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Allahu Akbar!
Senator John McCain plays poker on his IPhone during a U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing where Secretary of State JohnKerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey testify concerning the use of force in Syria, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, Tuesday, September 3, 2013. (Photo by Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
Update 6:38 p.m.: After the photo made the rounds on Twitter, McCain tweeted the following in response:Scandal! Caught playing iPhone game at 3+ hour Senate hearing - worst of all I lost!
about 1 hour ago via web
John McCain
story here
McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested that Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as rockets hit government offices demonstrated Islamist influence among the opposition.
“I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit,” Kilmeade said. McCain responded: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God?’” He added, “That’s what they’re saying. Come on! Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.” McCain provided no evidence to suggest that Syrian opposition groups are moderate, as opposed to the wide swath of evidence suggesting that the opposition is heavily infested with al Qaeda.
Al Nusra Front Rebels Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Start Killing Syrian Christians After Retaking Village From Government ForcesIslam is Nazism Consider this post from McRINO’s perspective: These rebels are “moderates” and them shouting “Allahu...
Maybe Someone Can Explain To Me How Lindsay Graham And John Mccain Can Be Taken Seriously
Mind blowingly unbelieeeeeevableUgh. Lindsey Graham Slams Rand Paul for Holding “Ridiculous” Filibuster Reason:John McCain and Lindsey Graham Declare War on Rand PaulBrian Doherty|Mar. 7, 2013 12:09 pmThe anti-Rand Pauls, Sen. John...
Disgraceful: Tingles Smears John Mccain As An “angry” Vietnam Vet Having A “flashback”
Chris Matthews is a disgusting drunk suffering Delirium Tremens. From Newsbusters: CHRIS MATTHEWS: Why is John McCain so angry? Forty years after the Vietnam POWs came home, the most famous of them is angrier than ever. Why is America,...
John Mccain: Obama Is Leading An Extreme Left-wing Crusade To Bankrupt America"
John McCain should have been so forthright when he ran for election: John McCain has run against Barack Obama before. He's running against him again. With campaign radio ads billing the five-term Republican senator as "Arizona's...
John Mccain - Man In The Arena
I found this great John McCain video today on You Tube. It really show's McCain's humility, pride and strength. John McCain definitely has his detractors. But, as more and more people are coming to realize, he is who we have. An Obama or Clinton...
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