Green Energy
Allahu akbar--it's the new Sieg Heil!

The counter-jihad savants over at Gates of Vienna have just released the winners of their Counter Jihad slogan contest. The judges were Pamela at Atlas Shrugs, Francis at L’Ombre de L’Olivier, and a4g at Point Five. Submissions for the contest totalled 156 entries from 61 different contributors. Here's the results:
Grand Prize: Allahu Akbar — It’s The New Sieg Heil! ZionistYoungster
Second place: End Terrorism — Kill Terrorists! — Da Bear
Third Place: Remember Constantinople! — Dan Kauffman
Fourth Place: United against Jihad — blubi101
Fifth Place: Weakness Is Provocation — cathyf
Honorable Mentions:
War or Slavery — Your choice — shoprat
Danes don’t pay Danegeld — Crusader Coyote
You may not be interested in the Jihad, but the Jihad is interested in you! — phil
Islam is the only religion in which lying, stealing, and killing are virtues. — Russet Shadows
I bid you stand, Men of the West! — SBH
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Green Energy