Allies, Please Read
Green Energy

Allies, Please Read

If you'd like to post on the Ibloga, please leave your e-mail address on the comments section (which I will remove as soon as I take note of).

CAIR Attorney Demands Ban and Seizure of all Christmas Cards sent to Rifqa Bary From Atlas Shrugs (click on title above to get the whole story): Atlas angels make a difference. You must have made this young woman very happy. First, thank you!...

- Now Let Us Be Truthful
I have great respect for ibloga and for most of the posters here, but that respect has taken a severe knock since Babaazee,s The Ballad of Caucasian Rage Boy It would have been a great post if she had stuck to showing the rage in the faces of the EDL...

- The Blogosphere And Cair
YouTube has enjoyed a reputation of upholding the right to freedom of speech. Last week, however, in the space of two hours, I twice attempted to leave a comment to this YouTube video relating to Ahmed Bedier, the Executive Director of the Tampa Chapter...

- Barking Moonbat Alert--the 'alleged' Airline Bomb Plot
If you've got the stomach for it, head over to Barking Moonbat Land (here and here) and see how the leftist/appeasement wing of the Blog-o-sphere is spinning the recent, ahem, "allegedly defused terrorist threat" in the UK. I won't dignify the...

- I Know This Is The Right Thing To Do, But Wait…
I was reading the article NOW Do you believe it? on Always on Watch's fine blog and read very interesting comments on the post there. This is a post about a man named Zacharias Moussaoui, whom informed people already know about very well (uninformed...

Green Energy
