Aloha, It's Islam Day
Green Energy

Aloha, It's Islam Day

"Islam Day" in Hawaii.

(via Patterico)

It's noteworthy that the one faction of people that the 9/11 hijackers impressed the most with their act of power and murder are socialists. "Islam" has really enthralled socialists.

- Ron Marz Doesn't Beleive Nazis Was Acronym For Socialists
Or, more precisely, that they were socialists. Once more, Marz has tested people's limits of endurance for his narrow brain by refusing to accept what the word "Nazis" stood for: People dumb enough to believe the National Socialist German Workers'...

- Interesting Statistics About Murderous Muslims
Muslims kill more people per year than 350 yrs of the Spanish Inquisition 270,000,000: THAT’S WAY MORE THAN STALIN, HITLER, MAO, POL POT, IDI AMIN (a Sunni Muslim), AND THE REST OF THE 20TH CENTURY’S GENOCIDAL SOCIALISTS! AND IT DOESN’T STOP THERE....

- Very Sick: Hawaii Designates 9/11 "islam Day"
Maybe it's time for Hawaii to leave the United States. Really. Let them go back to being an occupied territory of the USA. From Astute Bloggers: Islamists have just tricked the Hawaii Legislature into celebrating Islam on September 11. Hawaii has...

- Islam: What The West Needs To Know — Desperately
Some of you may differ with me, but I think this is the most informative video on what non-Muslims should know about Islam. Below is the entire video, broken up into ten parts. None of you reading this really need to watch it, but I thought it would be...

- Latest Essay By Amil Imani
Amil Imani, Iranian-born and now living in the United States, is an essayist, poet, and novelist. Some of his writings can be found here and here. Excerpt from the August 14, 2006 essay "It Is Islam, Dummy" : "The terror and death inflicted on humanity...

Green Energy
