Green Energy
America: We Must Come Through For The Free World

On my petition, No More Muslim Immigration to the United States, I got the following comments by people from Germany today (March 7):
"America is the only one wall against facism and nazi-islam. We can beat the mohammedans, but we need the USA."
"Europe has capitulated to Islam. America must now defend Western values."
"I am from Germany and we need a free nation (USA) to which we can emigrate once Islam has taken over our country (around the middle of this century). Don't fall, America!"
France Is Now The Leader Of The Free World
Obama is destroying America. Our influence is declining, the dollar is going down, our enemies laugh at us, and our friends (Britain, Germany, France, Poland, etc.) are miffed by Obama's odd and even callous treatment of them. And now, Obama is bowing...
Stop Saudi Madrassas In The U.s.
Saudis are using their oil money to build and run schools all over the world, including in the United States, that teach real Islam — the kafir-hating, democracy-overthrowing, violent, intolerant Islam we are here to defeat. These schools are called...
Teddy Roosevelt On Islam
From the beautiful, and important, Pamela, of Atlas Shrugs: Jeff sent this along, "the following passages were written in 1916 in Teddy Roosevelt's book, "Fear God and Take Your Own Part", reproduced in "What Every American Needs to Know About the...
A Declaration Of War Against Radical Islam
Felix, over at the blog Taking Sides believes it is time for America and the Western world to clrarify things by declaring war against radical Islam. Here's are his thoughts and the proposed Declaration: I saw the...
America Is Now Disappearing From The Hearts... Whereas Islam Is Growing Even Within America
'Whoever is Familiar With the Sunna and Hadith Knows That a Battle Against the Enemies of Allah Awaits on the Horizon, in Which the Muslims Will Be Victorious' This absolutely mind boggling MEMRI article about one Saudi Cleric Nasser bin Suleiman...
Green Energy