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American High School Students Learn About Sharia Law
The following was written by Roy White, Chapter Coordinator for ACT! for America in San Antonio, Bexar, and Kendall. We've heard from him before about another project (read about it here). The reason we're publishing this is because we'd like to see this kind of project duplicated in other areas. Here is Roy White's message:The
ACT! for America San Antonio Chapter is sponsoring the 2014 Major Carl Dykman Freedom Essay Contest. High school juniors and seniors who live in the Texas Hill Country are eligible to submit their essay for consideration to win a $1000 cash award on the topic:
Under the US Constitution women and men are treated equally. Using Sharia law, are women and men treated equally? Based upon your conclusion, should America adopt the practice of the British and EU in allowing Sharia law within the US Court system?
With all of the sharia courts appearing in Europe and the UK along with the number of US judges here in the US that have decided cases based upon Sharia law, it is a topic worthy of discussion and bringing to the attention of students to debate and discuss.
Major Carl Dykman |
We are honoring one of our founding members, Major Carl Dykman who passed away last year but who has been preaching and teaching about the dangers of Islam for many years. He was a WWII veteran who along with millions of others have fought to defend the freedoms we all love but that Islamic ideology finds to be “anti-Islamic.”
We want students to research for themselves the facts behind Islam and what the Quran says about the treatment of women and have laid that out in the rules that can be found here. An introductory letter can be found here. In honor of our veterans who have fought and died for these freedoms we will be honoring the winner on Veterans Day, Tuesday, Nov 11, at our monthly meeting.
I hope you will take this idea and reach out to public and private schools as well as homeschoolers to engage in the debate and conduct their own research. As Citizen Warrior says, people should read the Quran. I play this clip from Patton as a reminder to what we all should do when it comes to Muhammad: Magnificent Bastard.
Also, Brigitte Gabrielle will be speaking in San Antonio at the Village Parkway Baptist Church, 3002 Village Parkway on Monday, October 6th at 7 PM. People who are interested in attending can go to this link to register to attend. There is no cost to attend.
Lt Col Roy White (ret), Chapter CoordinatorACT! for America San Antonio, Bexar, Kendall
Twitter: @ACTBexar
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