Green Energy
An Observation And Some Speculation
LA Sunsett made the following comment, related to
this posting about Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia University:
Although I applauded the castigating introduction by the President of the University, I found it interesting that the lectern had Columbia University covered up. Normally, they would have proudly displayed this emblem, but this time they did not.
Did anyone else notice this?
Check the podium in
this video.
Because of LA Sunsett's comment, last night I took a look at Columbia University's logo. Click directly on the image below to enlarge it:

Do you see what I see? Three crosses. Could the presence of those crosses be the reason that Columbia University's logo was shrouded when Ahmadinejad spoke there?
Or maybe the usual logo on the podium is the following one:

The motto reads
In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen, which is a paraphrase of "In Thy light shall we see light" (Psalm 36:9b).
Psalm 36:9 reads as follows in its entirety: "For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light."
You can read all of Psalm 36
Now, perhaps I'm way off base with my suspicions as to why that podium at Columbia University was covered up a few days ago. Or maybe I'm not. You decide.
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Green Energy