Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter on CRACK. The strategic long term damage from these four years will rival the construction of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the rabbit killer's legacy.Russia talks with Israel on fighter-jet collaboration could displace U.S.
MOSCOW -- Russia has offered to cooperate with Israel in the production of an enhanced fighter-jet that could end the Jewish state's dependence on the United States.
Russian industry sources said Israel and Russia have been quietly discussing the prospect of a strategic defense agreement that would pave the way for the launch of a joint project to develop an advanced fighter-jet. The sources said Russia proposed to provide its most advanced platforms while Israel would install avionics, radar and electronic warfare systems.
"The project would have given Russia an aircraft that could compete with anything operational in the West while Israel would have an independent supply of fighter-jet platforms and engines," an industry source familiar with the discussions said.
Speculation about warming strategic ties between Israel and Moscow have been fueled by a visit to Moscow by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in June. On June 17, reported as follows:
Israel and Russia held exploratory talks here on weapons exports with the goal of resolving differences and potentially enhancing strategic cooperation.
Officials said the Kremlin has agreed to an Israeli offer to inform the Jewish state of the weapons requests by such countries as Iran, Lebanon and Syria.
"It is very important for us to elaborate a single approach on arms supplies to our regions the Middle East and the Caucasus," Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said.
Lieberman met Kremlin leaders during his visit to Moscow on June 2 in what officials said marked the most serious Israeli effort to improve strategic cooperation with Russia.
Lieberman, a Russian native and fluent in the language, has advocated strong ties with Moscow amid the expected decline in U.S. relations with the Jewish state.
The sources said recent talks between Jerusalem and Moscow included government officials and companies from both countries. They said Russia would present several advanced prototypes, including the MiG-35 and Su-34, to Israel for enhancement.
The two countries would work together to develop aircraft systems as well as air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, the sources said. They said the joint project also garnered interest from at least one potential export client.
"Russia has long been whispering a deal that is essentially air frames for boxes," a U.S. consultant involved in the discussions said. "They are talking about a Russian-Israeli hybrid: Israel will provide boxes, components and missiles. In return, Russia will provide the platforms."
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, right, speaks with visiting Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, left, in St. Petersburg, Russia, on June 2. AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky
Until 2009, the sources said, Israel's Defense Ministry refused to advance negotiations out of concern of U.S. reaction. But over the last few months, the sources said, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reviewed the prospect of acquiring a non-U.S. fighter-jet amid the prospect of a significant cut in American military aid in 2010.
"This is the nightmare of the U.S. defense industry and even a nightmare from the [U.S.] strategic point of view," the consultant said. "The moment Israel does not buy [from the United States] then it can't be pressured. The Russians are dying for this arrangement."
The sources said Israel has been quietly seeking an alternative to the U.S.-led Joint Strike Fighter amid reports of significant delays because of administrative and technical obstacles. They said Israel has been nixed in efforts to procure a stealth version of the F-15E fighter-jet by Boeing as well as Lockheed Martin's F-22.
In August, an Israel Air Force delegation arrived in South Korea for a demonstration of Seoul's T-50 air trainer. Israel has determined that the T-50, produced in cooperation with Lockheed Martin, most resembled the F-16 multi-role fighter.
In 2009, the United States pressured Israel to end a project for the enhancement of Sweden's Gripen fighter-jet. Under the project, the state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries had been working with Saab and BAE Systems to provide advanced avionics and other systems for the Gripen as part of a bid for the Indian Air Force.
Boeing and L-M have also submitted bids for the Indian project to purchase more than 120 fighter-jets.
During the Lieberman visit in June, Israel and Russia agreed to continue cooperation in the realm of space and satellites. Israel has used the Russian Cosmodrome in Baikonur, Kazakhstan for the launch of dual-use satellites.
"Foreign Minister Liberman and his hosts discussed Israeli-Russian relations and agreed to continue promoting economic ties between the two states and cooperation in the realms of space technology and hi-tech, cultural cooperation, and the international law for the protection of investments," an Israeli Foreign Ministry statement said on June 3.
Throughout its early months of Obama administration has been reluctant to commit to major weapons deals with or technology transfer to Israel.
Does Obama really believe other nations will simply accept his arrogance because he believes his own commercials?
What are we in for?