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Animal-right Groups Stays True To Their Nazi Legacy: Ban Kosher
One of the first steps in Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic drive in the creation of his Third Reich was instituting a ban on the kosher slaughter of animals.

The so called animal-right groups do of course not have any issues with halal-slaughter by those who scream 'kill the Jews', on the contrary, if one take a look at a leftwing blog promoting animal-rights it is not surprising to discover it contains Anti-semitism, is filled with hatred and not surprisingly it supports terrorism glorifying jihadis and the murder of our troops and citizen, going through a leftist blog is eyeopening, and helps explaining to a degree the question 'How come people became Nazis?'... They believe they are 'moral superior' from the rest of us advocating from a faux piedestal of a self-proclaimed 'Über-moral', what is further telling from the leftist mindset is that they in the same breath applaud Iranian President Ahmedinejadh's Anti-semitic speech to the UN while linking to the latest updates from the Animal liberation movement at the bottom, the irony is complete, the mindset disgusting and chilling at the same time.
The Nazi philosiphy of Animal-rights activism had a clear but sinister goal (From: Regarding animals by Arnold Arluke, Clinton Sanders)
- The drawing and blurring of lines of demarcation between humans and animals - Was essentiel of the Nazi paradox. After briefly discussing the extend of Nazi animal protection, we will see this boundary at work was effected in three ways - By morally elevating animals, identifying with them, and animalizing humans.The same philosiphy is the ideological agenda of todays leftists as written in 'About' on the leftwing blog Civil libertarian, it even shares the same issues almost by the letter from the Nazis such as 'Vivisection': dedicated to ending the unnecessary suffering of oppressed and exploited sentient beings and to the total liberation of human animals, nonhuman animals, and the Earth....Keeping this in mind the animal groups are not surprisingly fighting for the ban on Kosher, just like the Nazis, what is, quote, unquote, surprising, is the EUSSR's legalization of Kosher, expect the left to fight the decision.
EU Legalizes Kosher Slaughterby Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu - Israel National News
The European Union Parliament on Wednesday voted to legalize kosher slaughtering, which has

been outlawed by six countries -- but a critical vote next month will determine if EU countries can effectively get around the approval by demanding pre-stunning, which violates Jewish dietary laws.
The European Jewish Congress and conference of European Jewish Rabbis lobbied heavily for the bill and defeated efforts by animal rights groups to ban kosher slaughtering, which demands swift death to the animal by use of a sharp knife at the throat.
Animal rights groups have claimed the method is cruel and have succeeded in banning kosher slaughtering in Latvia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. Switzerland allows the method for poultry but not for other animals.
Rabbi Michael Melchior, former chief rabbi of Norway and currently an Israeli Knesset Member, has said that kosher slaughter is actually more humane than the practices in slaughterhouses. "The Torah forbids cruelty to animals, and the shechitah [slaughte process ensures that the animal loses consciousness immediately," he explained. "We have been dealing with this issue for many years, and there are many scientific studies that back us up."
The EU vote “represents the first time that ‘shechita’ has been recognized as a legitimate form of animal slaughter by any European institution," said Henry Grunwald, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and Chairman of Shechita EU, which also fought for the new legislation.
The crucial vote on pre-stunning worries European Jews. "The [propo regulation must not be drafted to allow governments in Europe to threaten our culture and our freedom to observe our religion," said Philip Carmel of the Conference of European Rabbis. Serge Cwajgenbaum, Secretary General of the European Jewish Congress, added that “the Jewish community takes seriously the issues of human rights and the humane treatment of animals.”

The anti-kosher slaughtering bills have been viewed as anti-Semitic by many Jews in Europe, where Hitler banned the method as one of his first steps against Jews.
When Holland called kosher slaughtering "cruel" in 2003 but allowed Jews to continue using the method, Rabbi Melchior responded, "They simply don't want foreigners, and they don't want Jews. I won't say this is the only motivation, but it's certainly no coincidence that one of the first things Nazi Germany forbade was kosher slaughter.”
Attempts by Swiss Jews to lift its 100-year-old ban on kosher slaughtering caused an anti-Semitic backlash. In Sweden, there have been attempts to forbid circumcision, a Jewish law that has bound Jews for 3,500 years.
Abraham Foxman, the national director of the U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League, has said that anti-Semitic politicians “aid and abet” animal right activists. “What other issues of animal rights have they engaged in to prohibit cruelty? When they begin and end with kosher slaughter, that's when it becomes suspect,” he stated.
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