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Anjem Choudary Boasts Of His Influence Over Jihadists Who Butchered British Soldier
From the Daily Mail:
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary was last night accused of having 'blood on his hands' after it emerged killer Michael Adebolajo was radicalised at the hands of his extremist group.
Dramatic BBC footage has emerged of Adebolajo standing side by side with Choudary as the Al-Muhajiroun leader ranted on a megaphone during a 2007 demonstration in Central London.
Evidence of the link sparked calls for urgent action to be taken against the hate preacher.
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Terror suspect: Anjem Choudary (right) claimed that this is him pictured with Michael Adebolajo, 28, (circled) at an Islamist demonstration in London in 2007
Al-Muhajiroun has been linked to a series of terror attacks through its former members and followers of Choudary and former leader Omar Bakri.
It and several of its offshoot organisations, including Islam4UK, were banned in 2010, but Choudary – who is known for his disgraceful rhetoric against British soldiers – has never been prosecuted in the UK. Last night it emerged that Adebolajo was a regular on radical marches in East London in the mid-2000s and often attended incendiary protests and lectures.
Protests by the group and its offshoots have featured chants such as 'British Soldiers Burn in Hell' and banners such as 'Hell for Heroes' and those describing soldiers as 'Baby Killers'.
One linked group, Muslims Against Crusades, burnt a poppy on Remembrance Sunday in 2010 and its supporters targeted a forces' homecoming parade in Luton.
Last night Choudary disgracefully blamed the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby on the 'presence of British forces in Muslim countries'.
He said: 'We must concentrate on why this incident took place. That is the presence of British forces in Muslim countries and the atrocities they've committed, and how the Muslim community in this country are under pressure due to draconian laws which have tried to silence them.'

Accused: Choudary (right) said that Adebolajo, 28, was with him in this picture at the demonstration in 2007
He added: 'I'm not going to apologise for exposing the crimes of the British government.
'Radicalisation is a stick which is used to beat the Muslim community. You need to make a distinction between legitimate ideological struggle. We live under a covenant of security. Words like radicalisation and fundamentalism are used by the British Government to silence Muslims.'
The BBC footage showed Adebolajo dressed in white Islamic clothes and surrounded by placards outside Paddington Green police station in April 2007.
He was attending a demonstration followed the arrest of Abu Izzadeen, another Al-Muhajiroun radical who was later sentenced to four and a half years in jail for terrorist fund-raising and incitement.
When asked about the attack, Choudary said: 'What he did was unusual and it's not the kind of view that I propagate and I do not condone the use of violence, but those views are out there.
'Some members of the Muslim community struggle to express themselves and he is making his voice heard in blood.'
BBC film shows Michael Adebolajo on a demo in London in 2007

Radical: Anjem Choudary, pictured being interviewed on Channel Four News, claimed he was pictured with the terror suspect in 2007

Changed man: Suspect Michael Adebolajo is said to have been radicalised in 2003 as a schoolboy and his parents became so concerned they moved him away

Education: The terror suspect attended Marshalls Park school in Romford and is said to have been studying there when he coverted to Islam from Christianity
Choudary met Adebolajo in 2005 – two years after the terrorist had converted to Islam, but last night claimed he hadn't seen him for two years.
He described Adebolajo as a man of 'impeccable character'.
When reminded by one TV interviewer of his comments about receiving £25,000 in benefits, which he once referred to as 'Jihad seekers allowance', Choudary said: 'I'm not getting £25,000 and I'm not on JSA. Get your facts right.'
Adebolajo is the latest in a long line of terrorists and hate-mongers allegedly to have come under the influence of Choudary
Last month Richard Dart was jailed for 11 years for plotting to attack British soldiers at Wootton Bassett. He was converted to Islam by Choudary and stopped as he tried to leave for Pakistan for terrorist training.
Roshonara Choudhry, the would-be assassin of Stephen Timms MP, was radicalised after reading a website containing Al-Muhajiroun propaganda.
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