The Loony toon Danish cartoon controversy is proving to be among other things a "Gutenberg" moment for the blogs. Just as Dan Rather's fake but accurate false document story altered the news information super highway and changed the course of American history (and the Presidential election), the publication or non-publication of the Danish cartoons in the MSM is proving to be just as significant.
By now everyone knows that big media will not print the toons. Despite the fact that it is the obligation of the press to do just that, they succumbed to dhimmitude and refused to run them.It could not have been lost on you that the Danish editor in charge of publishing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, has said they were printed in response to self-censorship on issues regarding Islam and that giving in to pressure not to run them would have been...
The blogs (myself among them here) have been running them, in my case all the back to October, without so much as even thinking if it was the right or wrong thing to do. How could you not run them? It is the public's right to know.
And the blogs felt it. What political blog did not see a tsunami of traffic from a world hungry for a look at those damn cartoons? Where did the people go? They came to us, by the millions.They were forced to come to us by the very entity that would love to see us wither and die. Ironic. My blog alone quadrupled its numbers at the height of the search.
The immediate, short term effect can be seen in Britain, here.
[...]"They [the Radical Islamists] think they have won the debate," he says with a sigh. "They believe that the British Government has capitulated to them, because it feared the consequences if it did not.
"The cartoons, you see, have not been published in this country, and the Government has been very critical of those countries in which they were published. To many of the Islamic clerics, that's a clear victory.
"It's confirmation of what they believe to be a familiar pattern: if spokesmen for British Muslims threaten what they call adverse consequences - violence to the rest of us - then the British Government will cave in. I think it is a very dangerous precedent."
Media enabling only served to further advance the day when British Muslims formed a 'state within a state .'
There are important lessons Americans can learn from the decay of British sovereignty over its own people, Eurabian dhimmitude, and not enforcing rule of law. And there are valuable lessons to be learned from the damage a complicit, seditious media can and will do by tearing at the extraordinary fabric of the great American experiment with left wing platitudes and group think.
Rumsfeld is right, to win we must find an alternative to the mainstream media. Well we have, you're looking at it.