Another "Moderate" Muslim Blurts Out The Truth
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Another "Moderate" Muslim Blurts Out The Truth

From Jihad Watch:


"Azad Ali is considered a high profile 'moderate' Muslim who is trustee of the East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre, among many posts." And yet he believes that jihad, involving killing unbelievers, is his religious obligation. In this he shows what I have said again and again, and have been called "Islamophobic" for saying: that there is no reliable way to distinguish between Muslims who accept Western pluralism and non-establishment of religion on the one hand, and jihadists on the other. 

And this is because Muslim authorities themselves have not worked to distinguish the two by declaring the jihadists outside the fold of orthodox Islam. They cannot do that at all, of course, because to do so would be to repudiate so much of the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and all the schools of jurisprudence.

"Muslim civil servant suspended over 'killing British troops is justified' blog," by Simon Walters and Jason Lewis for the Daily Mail, January 18 (thanks to Alexandre):

A senior Muslim civil servant has launched an astonishing verbal onslaught against the Government over its response to Israel’s military strikes in Gaza – and has suggested that killing British troops in Iraq is justified.

Treasury official Azad Ali, president of the Civil Service Islamic Society, now faces the sack over the remarks.[...]

Shortly after this newspaper contacted the Cabinet Office, a senior official disclosed that Mr Ali had been suspended for the remarks made on his personal internet blog.

In it he:

* Quotes an Islamic extremist who says it is his ‘obligation’ to kill British and American soldiers in Iraq;

* Accuses the Government of failing to condemn the ‘Zionist terrorist state of Israel’; and

Attacks moderate British Muslims as ‘self-serving vultures, feeding on the dead flesh of the Palestinians’.

The Treasury lists Mr Ali’s title as ‘Business Partner’. He is understood to work as an IT administrator. [...]

In one posting, ‘Defeating extremism by promoting balance’, he appears to condone the killing of British and US troops in Iraq.

He said there was ‘much truth’ in an interview with an Islamic militant who said: ‘If I saw an American or British man wearing a soldier’s uniform inside Iraq I would kill him because that is my obligation.

‘If I found the same soldier over the border in Jordan I wouldn’t touch him. In Iraq he is a fighter and an occupier, here he is not. This is my religion and I respect this as the main instruction in my religion for jihad.’

Go read the whole thing at Jihad Watch.

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