Green Energy
Anti-Semitism From the Democrats/Left
Boston Review has published a new scholarly study title: "State of the Nation: Anti-Semitism and the Economic Crisis." The study was conducted by two university professors, Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit. The study indicates that despite all of the caterwauling about "right-wing" anti-Semitism in light of the Holocaust Museum shooting, it is those on the left who are more likely to blame Jews for the current economic crisis.
Interestingly, Democrats were especially prone to blaming Jews: while 32 percent of Democrats accorded at least moderate blame, only 18.4 percent of Republicans did so (a statistically significant difference). This difference is somewhat surprising given the presumed higher degree of racial tolerance among liberals and the fact that Jews are a central part of the Democratic Party’s electoral coalition. Are Democrats simply more likely to “blame everything” thus casting doubt on whether the anti-Jewish attitudes are real? Not at all. We also asked how much “individuals who took out loans and mortgages they could not afford” were to blame on the same five-point scale. In this case, Democrats were less likely than Republicans to assign moderate or greater blame.
The study also indicates that the less educated the Democrat, the more likely they'll harbor bigotry. Although, nearly twenty percent of those with bachelor degrees also blame the Jews for current the economic mess.

One obvious reason for this is that statists can hardly blame their deity - the omnipotent state - for what is happening in the economy. Nonetheless, there are those on the hard left who are happy to use the state caused crisis for their own despicable ends. This much is true, things are going to get worse and the left will need the usual scapegoats.
Last week Obama issued a brief statement on the Holocaust Museum shooting. Just as with his statement on the murder of Private William Long, the statement was strictly
pro forma. Obama's hostility to Israel and his willingness to sell that ally out to the Arabs is a matter of record. Just as with Private Long, there will be no mention of the Jew hatred that animates our Jihadists enemies. The media is trumpeting the myth that anti-Semitism is a "right-wing" phenomenon in the United States. Given the obvious connection between anti-Semitism and hatred of capitalism, this contention is absurd. Anti-Semitism has long existed on the left and Obama has wallowed in it. His "spiritual mentor" for twenty years is a notorious anti-Semite ... oops ... "anti-Zionist." Obama has yet to make a statement regarding his ex-ministers view that "them Jews ain't going to let me talk to him." The man that Obama often listened to ranting really believes that a Jewish cabal runs the country.
As to the real cause of the economic crisis that Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are now gleefully using to destroy American liberty, the numbers speak for themselves.
Meanwhile, Ben Bernanke is chugging the Keynesian Kool-Aid:

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