Two days after the release of a political attempt to cast probably 30-40% of americans within a set of parameters which would fit the label 'right wing extremists', in the middle of a protest, a peaceful protest, of citizens, over a government which is paying off banks, GM, Chrysler, foolish HUGE businesses, the UAW, and spending a previously wild spending Bush into the minor leagues, and has made the term 'billion' chump change, we have one of the major news networks adopting outright the FAR LEFT position of MOVEON, and this administration that anyone to their right (which is the CENTER), with a legitimate and potentially citizen warming position - RIGHT WING.
Those people are attempting to make the idea of the WORD conservative, or even those who believe in PROPERTY RIGHTS, EXTREME.
Those people are attempting to make those who protest, as THOSE PEOPLE SPENT EIGHT YEARS DOING, anti government (anarchists? WHAT?).
Sorry but the correct characterization would be that they oppose an anti-founder, anti free enterprise, and counter FREEDOM and FAIRNESS group, MISTAKENLY ELECTED, as well as others who simply think that govt bureaucrats know better than the citizens do what is best for them. BARNEY. NANCY. HARRY.
We are not talking segregation, Ross Barnett, Jim Crow, or defending abhorrent practices based in ignorance and denying equal opportunity. We are talking about WHOEVER is in power gethering more in every way until the everyday lives of its citizens cannot be about life liberty and you know what. It has become about SPREADING THE WEALTH. In another presidency it might be about SECURITY. The precendents set for the future are daunting.
And it is the govt attitude towards those who oppose them on the basis of the constitution which frees the insane media at large to promote this agenda. 'Domestic political opponents should be dealt with ruthlessly, and every opportunity which presents itself must be utilized in this endeavor' which will end up being what Rome's was from 110 BC to 49 BC. Conservatives are to be THE ENEMY, far more consistently than AQIM, or Somali sea going terrorists, or the Taliban who threaten to make Pakistan into the instant Nuclear Caliphate.
This attitude by this government, and its drooling infatuated media is at heart ANTI AMERICAN.
CNN should fire this correspondent, Susan Roesgen IMMEDIATELY.
Barack Obama should VERY CAREFULLY CONSIDER where this is all leading. Unless of course he has decided to make the loyal opposition, into REAL ENEMIES to foster an attempt to do away with any other framework of ideas, by driving these enemies to extremes. That would be ALMOST inconceivable. ALMOST.
These are all NOT LIBERAL IDEAS. They are something else. They should be called so by the opposition.
By stupid decisions, and not intent, this process HAS HAPPENED BEFORE.
Any political intent to make those who believe that human nature means that the fruit of ingenuity, labor, and risk are synonymous with American Freedom into extremists in the mind of the masses can only lead to the most unpleasant consequences imaginable.
This is my observation.
Draw back Mr. Obama, and get rid of those around you who promulgate such disgusting ideas for short term political gain.
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Those people are attempting to make those who protest, as THOSE PEOPLE SPENT EIGHT YEARS DOING, anti government (anarchists? WHAT?).
Sorry but the correct characterization would be that they oppose an anti-founder, anti free enterprise, and counter FREEDOM and FAIRNESS group, MISTAKENLY ELECTED, as well as others who simply think that govt bureaucrats know better than the citizens do what is best for them. BARNEY. NANCY. HARRY.
We are not talking segregation, Ross Barnett, Jim Crow, or defending abhorrent practices based in ignorance and denying equal opportunity. We are talking about WHOEVER is in power gethering more in every way until the everyday lives of its citizens cannot be about life liberty and you know what. It has become about SPREADING THE WEALTH. In another presidency it might be about SECURITY. The precendents set for the future are daunting.
And it is the govt attitude towards those who oppose them on the basis of the constitution which frees the insane media at large to promote this agenda. 'Domestic political opponents should be dealt with ruthlessly, and every opportunity which presents itself must be utilized in this endeavor' which will end up being what Rome's was from 110 BC to 49 BC. Conservatives are to be THE ENEMY, far more consistently than AQIM, or Somali sea going terrorists, or the Taliban who threaten to make Pakistan into the instant Nuclear Caliphate.
This attitude by this government, and its drooling infatuated media is at heart ANTI AMERICAN.
CNN should fire this correspondent, Susan Roesgen IMMEDIATELY.
Barack Obama should VERY CAREFULLY CONSIDER where this is all leading. Unless of course he has decided to make the loyal opposition, into REAL ENEMIES to foster an attempt to do away with any other framework of ideas, by driving these enemies to extremes. That would be ALMOST inconceivable. ALMOST.
These are all NOT LIBERAL IDEAS. They are something else. They should be called so by the opposition.
By stupid decisions, and not intent, this process HAS HAPPENED BEFORE.
Any political intent to make those who believe that human nature means that the fruit of ingenuity, labor, and risk are synonymous with American Freedom into extremists in the mind of the masses can only lead to the most unpleasant consequences imaginable.
This is my observation.

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