Green Energy
AP MSM propaganda at work

The extent to which the media is being manipulated by Hezbollah is almost farcical. Here we have bodies of children paraded around and photographed for hours with the apparent collusion of AP.
For those not familiar with propaganda techniques, the most effective way of swaying people to one side of an issue is to overload the emotional centers of the observer and then insert the propaganda in the form of causality. Goebbels was a past master at it.
In this case, the vision of dead children overshadows with emotion the fact that Hezbollah actually caused this war in the first place and is ultimately responsible for the deaths of these children by firing from unevacuated civilian neighbourhoods, or that Israel gave hours of warning to the residents...all that goes out the window in favor of an emotive condemnation of "babykiller" Israel.
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Hezbollah Murders
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More Attention To Israel's Psychological Warfare
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Support Israel
In case anyone is wondering how to get the corner banner seen here, either click on the banner or click here. At a time when Israel seems to be losing the propaganda war waged by Hezbollah and its usefully foolish lackies, Kofi et. al., it is more important...
Green Energy