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Archbishop of Canterbury: Christians Are Suffering In The Middle East Because Of The American Global Project

Broken-clock-is-right-twice-a-day alert.
From the Daily Mail:
Christians in the Middle East are facing persecution because of British and American foreign policy, the Archbishop of Canterbury will claim today.
Dr Rowan Williams will say that many Christians have been forced to flee their homes in the Holy Land because of 'appalling pressure' from extremist Islamic groups.
And he will warn that historic communities risk becoming mere 'museum pieces' in the 'theme park' Middle East because of the military policies of the West.
During an appearance in London yesterday, he said there was a risk that the region could become a "monochrome" area dominated by an "unfriendly" form of Islam.
Indigenous Christian groups were increasingly being seen as a 'foreign and aggressive' presence, he added.
The Archbishop will make the comments in a speech at Westminster Cathedral later today.
He will say that historically Christians have played a leading role in social, cultural and intellectual change in the Middle East.
But historic communities now risked becoming mere 'museum pieces' in a 'theme park' region as a result of persecution.
In part this was due to an extremist form of Islam filling the void left following the peak of Arab nationalism, the head of the Church of England will claim.
But he also blames the role of Western governments.
Dr Williams will say: 'Indigenous Christian community throughout the region have suffered from being associated with the American global project, and indeed the British global project as part of the American global project.'
He cites a recent visit to Syria in which he met some of the half million refugees who had fled Iraq since 2003.
The Archbishop is correct here, but for exactly the wrong reason. The reason Iraq has gone lethal on its own Christian population is because Sharia law has gained power in Iraq, having been enshrined in the Constitution.
America has set a goal of creating a "Democracy" in Iraq. But, Democracy does not merely mean voting. When we use the phrase Democracy in the United States, what we mean is "Democratic Republic." This means, yes, everyone gets to vote, but above that our God-granted rights are protected by a Constitution.
If this was true in Iraq, then Sharia law would not be enshrined in the Iraqi Constitution as a primary source of law, because Sharia is a violation of human rights.
We have created an Islamic abomination in Iraq and Iraqi Christians have suffered for it.
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