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Archbishop Of Canterbury: Sharia Law In The UK Unavoidable

The Archbishop Rowan Williams is digging out quite a niche for himself in this world. He will be remembered as among the biggest traitors and stooges in history; right up there with Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot.
Now, he is saying that it is unavoidable that the UK will have to adopt certain parts of Sharia law (thanks to Vadim of World Divided):
Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4’s World at One that the UK has to “face up to the fact” that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.
Dr Williams argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion.
Dr Williams said an approach to law which simply said "there's one law for everybody and that's all there is to be said, and anything else that commands your loyalty or allegiance is completely irrelevant in the processes of the courts - I think that's a bit of a danger".
Vadim comments:
I have never seen such a miserable display of appeasement, dhimmitude and lack of back bone by the leader.
What the Archbishop and others like him do not realize is that this kind of attitude will lead the common citizens of the UK to taking the law to their own hands, after being betrayed by their religious and political leaders.
Speaking of religious leaders, I am not sure about how the Archbishop is elected, but I wonder if there is one Christian in UK who thinks that this person, Dr. Williams, is the right one to lead the Church, unless the goal of the Church is a complete surrender of its religious and historical assets and values in the Kingdom.
I think Rowan Williams ought to not only be relieved of his duties, but, as his duty involves not only clerical responsibility a responsibility to the leadership of the state as well, he ought to be tried for treason,
Sharia law is Islamic law. As such, it is the law of the land in Islamic nations. It is, in fact, the constitution of Saudi Arabia. As such, Rowan Williams is here advocating for superimposing the Saudi Arabian constitution over the British charter of government. This is treason.
All those Brits who go about their daily lives, working, paying taxes, and abiding by the rules, must feel awfully let down by their government when a high official of said government can openly commit treason, and not even a peep is heard.
This is an example of the complete British governments complete neglect of responsibility to its own stated principles.
When the government doesn't live up to its own obligations to its citizens, then, one has to wonder, should not the citizens must take matters into their own hands?
Rowan Williams must be removed from office. We can not allow anymore of this.
By the way, for those of you keeping score at home, this makes three completely insane stories to have come out of merry old England in the past week;
1) the British government now mandates that all Islamic terrorism now to be called "anti-Islamic activity"
2) British government will pay multiple benefits to men with multiple wives
and now,
3) Rowan Williams bends over and begs for prison sex.
Sillhouette comments (from LGF):
A false argument.
If a Muslim couple wants to take their disputes to a imam, a group of elders, or whatever, there is nothing preventing them from doing this right now, if they both agree to abide by the ruling. I could do the same right here with my preacher. This is not really what they are asking for with shariah law.
Years ago we had a Muslim poster here for a few days insisting that things like requiring the veil weren't wrong because it is what the people wanted. If it was what every single woman wanted, there would be no need for a requirement, they just would. Requirements imply punishment, and punishment means forcing it on people who don't want it.
There will be punishments for those who don't use the shariah courts, and of course, no one talks about those laws of shariah that directly conflict with the law of the land in England.
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