Green Energy
At 15 Federal Agencies, Death More Common Than Job Loss
Maybe they are the most professional, hard working, successful, productive working group of all time anywhere?
Is that a smirk I see?

USA TODAY found that nearly 60% of firings occur in the first two years of employment, mostly workers on probation and outside the federal job protection system. Blue-collar workers are twice as likely to be fired as white-collar employees. The federal government’s 12,700 food preparation workers had the highest rate of getting fired last year — 2.5%.
White-collar federal workers have almost total job security after a few years on the job. Last year, the government fired none of its 3,000 meteorologists, 2,500 health insurance administrators, 1,000 optometrists, 800 historians or 500 industrial property managers.
The nearly half-million federal employees earning $100,000 or more enjoyed a 99.82% job security rate in 2010. Only 27 of 35,000 federal attorneys were fired last year. None was laid off. Death claimed 33.
Job security actually represents one of the chief advantages that public sector workers enjoy over their private sector counterparts, a fact noted by the Heritage Foundation’s James Sherk last year:
Civil service rules make it prohibitively difficult to fire federal employees for bad performance once they pass their probationary period—one year on the job. Most federal employees who perform poorly never get fired. They keep their jobs unless their supervisor works through an arduous process of exhaustively documenting their performance and working through a complex appeal process.

In my mind, FYI, servicemen and women stand FAR OUTSIDE all these considerations.
There is some good news however, one day, apparently, the federal govt will employ every one of us, who will administer the pay and benefits of every one of us.

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