Green Energy
Athletes In Burqas - Wildly Appropriate

Nike - Just Do It:
Some Muslims believe girls should wear a jilbab - a traditional Islamic dress - which hampers agility. Sports wear company Nike worked with the girls to find something appropriate and presented the designs last year. Initially camp leaders renounced the outfits, but the girls have now convinced them of their suitability. The UN refugee agency's Olivier Delarue, who saw one of the first volleyball matches, said the girls had a choice of outfits and went for the most traditional. Some Muslims believe girls should wear a jilbab - a traditional Islamic dress - which hampers agility. Sports wear company Nike worked with the girls to find something appropriate and presented the designs last year. Nike: Just be appropriate.
Berlin: Muslimas Attack Fellow Students Who Don't Wear Hijabs Via Islam in Europe Volker Steffens, head of the Thomas-Morus high-school says that twice girls with headscarves punched blond fellow students without headscarves, pushed them to the...
The Islamic Bomb - Er, I Mean Prom ...
Gee, sorry about that little slip of the tongue, but one has to wonder how long before the Islamic bomb goes off in the United States, when Muslim culture is so accepted that this is the scene in the good old American Midwest: More than 100 Muslim...
Hey Islam, Can You Get Any More Disgusting?
We have often heard it said that Muslims are disgusted by the decadence of the West. Don't believe it. What is more disgusting than the fact that many Pakistani Muslims think it is ok to sell their 13 year old daughters into marriage? Well, how about...
Do I Make You Horny, Baby?
Gentlemen, feast your eyes on the "Sharia Swimsuit" What do you do if you are an observant Muslim woman but you also like swimming? This year, shops in Egypt have the answer: You buy what has become known as the "Sharia swimsuit". It is part of a...
Islamic Basketball
From the February 19, 2006 Chicago Tribune and reprinted in the February 25, 2006 Washington Post: "...[T]he girls can't accept that they have only been allowed to compete against girls basketball teams from other Muslim schools. There are only four...
Green Energy