Green Energy
Atlas In Israel

Fellow Infidel Pamela, she of the great blog Atlas Shrugs, is over in Israel for the next week touring the country with the help and support of some major heavyweights from Israeli politics and culture.
She has some big stuff lined up, which she asked me not to divulge ahead of time, so you'll just have to click on over to her blog everyday, and keep up with her goingson.
Today she has a post up about Muslims terrorizing Muslims in East Jersusalem. In it she describes the stark difference between Israel and the Palestinian territories:
I spent the morning in East Jerusalem which is mostly Arab. The differences between the Jewish areas and the Arab areas is to break your heart. It is inexplicable to me why the Arabs would live in such abject squalor, throwing their garbage in the streets when they could all work together with the Jews for a far better life. But Jihad Islam will never let that happen.
FACT. You can immediately tell what part of Jerusalem you are in, in a nanosecond, with a mere glimpse of your surroundings. The women, young and old, wore the burka and in many cases the chador in the hot summer heat.
Friends of mine, who have been to Israel, have described being on a street right at the border of Israel and the Palestinian territories. They told me that on one side of the street there were trees and nice houses, and other signs of a decent life, while the other side of the street was a no man's land, without vegetation, bursting over with filth and trash, and anger.
That is their choice, my friends. That was back in the day, before the wall, when Arabs were free to live and work in Israel proper. But, they made sure to put an end to that positive situation with endless suicide bombings, glorification of "martyrs" and finally, electing Hamas to be their government.
As sad as it is, this is what they have chosen to be their life.
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Green Energy